Compaq Presario X1460
Centrino Pentium-M 1.5ghz
512mb DDR
80gb hard disk
Integrated 802.11b/g
Mobility Radeon 9200 with 32mb
15.4" widescreen![ []](
Front SD card slot
W/ free HP digital camera
$50 rebate on the free camera cause the box was open![ []](
Yeah so today is a great day
As soon as the software is finished self-installing, I'm getting FC2 on here. Shibby!
I almost went for the Dell Inspiron 8600 (because of the Radeon 9600 Pro), but opted for the Compaq because of how easy it is for me to have it serviced. I have a three-year warranty, and I bought it at Staples. There's like three Staples right next to my place, so if ever anything goes wrong... well, I get a new computer right away. I also almost bought a PowerBook, but my teachers (I'm in software engineering) told me a PC was a better idea because we'll be doing only VC++ this year.
So... post your laptops!
[edit]Took a crappy picture. It's not too bad considering that there isn't a single light on in my room. My g/f's sleeping and I wouldn't want to bother her. [edit 2]And on top of that, I've been trying for almost a week now to get CS:S to download, and I FINALLY got in. This is great![ []](
When guitars are outlawed, only outlaws will have guitars.
[This message has been edited by MaD CoW (edited September 01, 2004).]
Centrino Pentium-M 1.5ghz
512mb DDR
80gb hard disk
Integrated 802.11b/g
Mobility Radeon 9200 with 32mb
![ []](
![ []](
15.4" widescreen
![ []](
Front SD card slot
W/ free HP digital camera
$50 rebate on the free camera cause the box was open
![ []](
Yeah so today is a great day
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So... post your laptops!
[edit]Took a crappy picture. It's not too bad considering that there isn't a single light on in my room. My g/f's sleeping and I wouldn't want to bother her. [edit 2]And on top of that, I've been trying for almost a week now to get CS:S to download, and I FINALLY got in. This is great
![ []](
When guitars are outlawed, only outlaws will have guitars.
[This message has been edited by MaD CoW (edited September 01, 2004).]