This might be biased:
I studied for it for 8 months then failed the first test (by a small margin). Then I stopped studying for it. It's an inch thick and a mile wide: In other words it's easy but theres alot of info you gotta memorize and and your brain needs to become a giant storage device.
I would recommend going for cisco certs or microsoft certs or something because they'd be more recognized/ distinguished so to speak.
A+ isn't exactly the most amazing certification around, alot of people think it's stupid. I think it's overrated. Anyone can fix a computer. Why memorize the different fire extinguishers and what to do when someone is being electrocuded? Those should be a different test.
Theres alot of good resources and books out there--and alot of bad ones. Some books prepare you, some don't properly prepare you. Visit forums, ask questions, ask about what are the best books.
Oh and the structure is somthing like this:
Test 1: Required
Test 2: 1 of 3 options depending on which A+ Cert you want
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