I was in the Napalm Death Squad (NDS) for Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (JKDF2), Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (JKMOTS) & Quake II (Q2). We started in Winter of 1998 as a Q2 Capture the Flag (CTF) clan. One of my good friends introduced me to JKDF2 & JKMOTS & I haven't been able to find a game that brings me such joy since. My brother ran the Q2 side of the clan & they became quite successful. I ran the JKDF2 & JKMOTS portion of the clan. I went under the names Mentat, ReAcToR & STaRCHiLD.
The Q2 side eventually broke off in to their own clan which was known as ED (Evil Dissention) & went on to be one of the top Q2 CTF clans in the world. Many of those guys were friends of mine in real-life.
The JKDF2/JKMOTS side of the clan continued to play these 2 games for years to come. I would say that several of us played religiously up until 2006/2007. We had a split over ideological issues about halfway through the life of the clan. We mutually decided that none of us would use the NDS name. Some of the players went on to form a clan called Sabers & Guns Elite (SaGE) & I & those that were loyal to me went on to form Hoth (it doesn't stand for anything), which was a relatively good No Force (NF) clan specializing in Guns/Sabers. This was also when we began to toy around with NF CTF a bit more. We also went under the name DaRK (not an abbreviation) which was when many of us became very interested in Full Force (FF). We also went under the name Notorious Assassin Ring (NaR) which was primarily a CTF phase but a few of us still dabbled in FF as well. Once the SaGE clan finally disbanded, we changed our name back to NDS & all of the old SaGE guys were fine with that. We became primarily a CTF clan & I must admit that we were quite good. We were friendly with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (ETI) & Team Fusion (TF) which were also primarily CTF clans & we had some really great times. I personally feel that we were one of the better CTF clans in our time but that we're rarely recognized for that. I think that much of that has to do with the fact that we weren't really big Internet Gaming Zone (IGZ) people & we would tend to have private IP games. We would play with anyone but if you were obnoxious or rude we'd tend to not invite you to our private games. In our first 2 years of playing JKDF2/JKMOTS we purposely avoided IGZ because of the consistent bad attitudes that were prevalent. We primarily used the old JediBoard along with ReconDroid & later Qtracker.
Because of our avoidance of IGZ & their popular notions of gameplay & rules, we mastered the weapons that many considered useless & we developed our own rules & tactics that would later cause a stir amongst many IGZ players when we did join their community & they would claim that we were hacking. They couldn't understand why we were able to use weaker weapons to kill them when they were holding Concussion Rifles (CRs) & Rail Detonators (RDs). For example, we never subscribed to the notion of Ji Oasis (JiO) or MERC Oasis II (MO2) where the only weapon that anyone really uses is a CR. We had been playing Canyon Oasis (CO) for years without "leaving packs" or even using CRs as a primary weapon. If we were playing in a 4-person Free For All (FFA) in Canyon Oasis & someone went for the CR, the other 3 people would join forces to take down that guy, by any means necessary using angles, foot-work, item-control, etc. This made all of us very good at killing with the weaker weapons. When we finally went to the Zone & were getting Thermal Detonator (TD), Sequence Charger (mines) & Lightsaber (saber) kills in Canyon Oasis & other maps, for example, against guys who had been training primarily with CRs & RDs, they would often accuse of cheating/hacking.
Anyways, there are few here that would probably care about any of that except for maybe Mormegil & Vornskr but I've often thought that we didn't get the respect that we deserved. Hell, you can look at the posts on the JKDF2.net forums made by Wodz, who is supposedly a "JK historian" & he fails to even mention us. I find that irritating considering the fact that we would often destroy a few hundred people that he does mention.
Note: I recognize the fact that this all sounds pretty dorky but we really took our JKDF2/JKMOTS seriously back then, hahaha!