So after a long time of avoiding my account I have actually been putting it to use finding people lately but considering that Facebook is now a quasi-official military outlet I decided to create a page for my office function. It is actually quite practical since part of my function requires me to take digital pictures and it is pretty inconvenient to distribute them now that there are onerous restrictions on flash media. So I've created a small government page, the type you become a "fan" of not "friend" and then I was prompted to enter my password. So now this page is going to be associated with my account. No real problem but I'm wondering if anyone here knows if you can, and how to, hand it off to another party. The reason is I don't foresee me holding the position for too many more months but it would be nice if I could reassign the page to my replacement.
So, when I say I was avoiding my facebook page it is more that I had little interest in it. I created an account a long time ago when I was trying to find some info on David McHale. I had heard he was ill but you never know the truth online. He seemed cool on the internet but other than the fact that he authored some cool MotS stuff and lived in the UK I don't know anything else about him. So, on that note, it would be interesting if someone here knows anything about how he is.
Anyway, Facebook has started to get pretty big in the military so I decided to start using my account the past few months. Lately I got much smarter at finding people and discovered a few (three) good friends from over 20 years ago that I feared I would never contact again. One actually lives within an hour and a half of me which is cool since we're now in Kansas and knew each other in Rhode Island. Another lives in my home state of Washington and the other very near where I thought he would in Minnesota.
So, when I say I was avoiding my facebook page it is more that I had little interest in it. I created an account a long time ago when I was trying to find some info on David McHale. I had heard he was ill but you never know the truth online. He seemed cool on the internet but other than the fact that he authored some cool MotS stuff and lived in the UK I don't know anything else about him. So, on that note, it would be interesting if someone here knows anything about how he is.
Anyway, Facebook has started to get pretty big in the military so I decided to start using my account the past few months. Lately I got much smarter at finding people and discovered a few (three) good friends from over 20 years ago that I feared I would never contact again. One actually lives within an hour and a half of me which is cool since we're now in Kansas and knew each other in Rhode Island. Another lives in my home state of Washington and the other very near where I thought he would in Minnesota.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16