Actually, you often misunderstand me. I didn't think that was a shot at me and my comment was in jest. Kind of like when I paraphrased Biden's comment about bHo being clean and articulate. My humor can be quite quirky and since I generally neglect placing the obligatory smilies to imply sarcasm it often gets misunderstood.
The general premise of the book I have is that the most important thing for your dog to learn is to come to you. The method the author ascribes to is called the magic touch. He accidentally found that throwing an object at the dog left the dog with the impression that you can "magically" reach out and touch him. So, basically, you call your dog. If he comes to you, you take hold of his collar and praise him. If he doesn't, you throw something (soft enough not to hurt him) at him to get his attention. If he doesn't come, you take hold of his collar and bring him to where you were. Either way, when he gets to the point he should be, you praise him. This all seems so much easier with a puppy because he wants to be with you anyway. Once the dog is trained to come and stay with you, and we are not even involving a leash, everything else is so much easier. I think I am really going to have a good time with this dog especially because he is a mix of two extremely intelligent breeds.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16