Elana14: If you set up any size print jobs the print queue will have your name all over it.
Once at HS I took a pic of a sol.exe window and plopped it on my wallpaper. Then I got one of my friends to come over and try to play solitaire.
There was this Java powered site that looked like the Mac OSX interface, and it was fullscreen. A friend of mine was going to run it on all the computers in the lab (they were all NT/2000 machines). Too bad he never got around to it, the teacher's expression would have been priceless to see a couple dozen PCs appearing to have Mac OSX.
Here it is, click on "Wanna be an apple?" and have fun.
Oh, and everytime I left my computer I would always lock it (remember NT and 2K did not have Fast User Switch) so noone else could use it, that annoyed my teacher when I forgot when I was using that comp and went and logged into another one.
I coded a chat program in QBASIC that just used net send to send the text, and I used it to chat with a friend.
Hey, you know how NET SEND is used by some printers to notify when print jobs have been completed? Well our printer did this, and I tried using net send to fake the message. Unfortunately the command prompt command line length is something like 128 characters, which falls short of the longer strings I needed to send.
So I never was able to use it on anyone.
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[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited September 02, 2004).]
[This message has been edited by The_Mega_ZZTer (edited September 02, 2004).]