In the wintertime with my window shut and nothing running my room usually equalizes at about 65 degrees. The thermometer is on the same side of the room as me and my electronics, but not very close to them so I think it's an accurate representation of the overall room temperature change. I enter my room in the evening and after 4-6 hours of me in my room running the following devices the temp is usually between 72 and 75. That's nearly a ten degree difference on average night after night. My room is an average bedroom, about 140 sq feet. I usually have two 50 watt incandescent light bulbs going, my computer, a 24" LCD monitor, a 19" LCD monitor, and I generate a LOT of body heat.
So between me, the monitors, the computer, light bulbs, which do you think contributes most to the temp increase?
So between me, the monitors, the computer, light bulbs, which do you think contributes most to the temp increase?