If you like charging out from behind a broken brick wall, without a weapon to defend yourself, into a hail of oncoming enemy bullets (from an army of oppressors that have killed thousands of your countrymen) while mortars land around you, sand flies up from near misses, your brothers die around you, airplanes fly past, your commanders kill those who run in fear from an enemy they are not trained or equipped to fight, as music swells in the background and your heart leaps in your chest....
GET COD. It's great
and grammar can go to hell.
Call of Duty is an amazing game, I loved every minute of it (and am still loving it)...
The soviet campaign just fills you with awe... when you retake red square, you dash out across the plaza and everyone on your team is screaming and the man carrying the soviet flag gets cut down in his path... the odds against you are terrible and you can truly feel the urgency of battle... immersion is what I love in games and it is handled quite deftly in CoD. in JA, you can sit back and ponder the game, think about it, look around and remain detached from the environment. In Call of Duty, you cannot escape the sounds of your friends dying, bullets slamming into whatever meager piece of cover you can find, mortars landing on waht you thought was a safe zone, enemy planes strafing helpless columns of troops....
THAT'S ONLY the soviet campaign...
The American campaign is much more.. down to earth. less awe inspiring, more gritty, I'd say. It's a lot of shooting through buildings, clearing out enemy positions, leading your squad at night through a blazing firefight to take out a certain target or two.
The British campaign is a lot of sneaking, hiding, running, and gaining key objectives with little or no support. It's all great... mmmmm I haven't even started playing MultiPlayer yet.
oh yeh wlel i jsut gots finesht wiht my morrwoind mod for teh JO An it takes up teh 900 gigabiets of spaec but i wlil not sowh yuo gyz teh scrnshoots becasue we dunat kare wut u gyz tihnk ne1 no wear i kan get ti hostad 4 dounlowd!!!!11!111 --Checksum