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ForumsDiscussion Forum → my isp is offering linux downloads
my isp is offering linux downloads
2004-09-03, 3:57 AM #1
i hope that means they will start supporting and tech issues.

Pissed off?
2004-09-03, 4:05 AM #2
Honestly I've never had a problem getting linux to hook up to the network, cable, dsl, etc. Not compared to windows. So probably they will have less tech support calls if their customers start switching []
2004-09-03, 2:59 PM #3
Linux WAS easier to configure than Windows on my current machine. Just had to set the DHCP server.
2004-09-03, 3:28 PM #4
back in the red hat 7.x days i needed support and my isp wouldn't give me any at all.
when i was trying different distros (gentoo etc.) i couldn't get any support.

so hopefully for those getting in on it, that may change.
2004-09-03, 3:30 PM #5
Why would your internet service provider be obliged to give you support?

Or is Red Hat an ISP?

(It's not like there are not tons of places to look for support elsewhere logically first, like the distri website forum)
2004-09-03, 3:34 PM #6
connectivity support. there was a time when you had to set up your connection manually. and sometimes that was frustrating. very frustrating.
2004-09-03, 4:15 PM #7
Which ISP?
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2004-09-03, 4:43 PM #8
New distros detect the DHCP server automatically. ISPs like that suck, you should switch.
2004-09-03, 9:23 PM #9
cogeco. they are rated the fastst and overall best cable isp in north america according to

i had trouble with older versions of linux where you had to input your dns and such to get connected.
i would call and start asking for specific connectivity settings and they would clue in after the 2nd question. then they would tell me they can't help me.

they are offering red hat and fedora.
2004-09-03, 9:28 PM #10
Yeah, with Knoppix, Debian Sarge, and SuSE, they all detected DHCP automatically. Networking with Windows took a bit longer to deal wtih, but I got it worked out.
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