Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
I think you guys misunderstand me. I'm not trying to say Russia is evil or deserves it or anything like that. Not at all, the opposite in fact. I just think that the viewpoint that the US is "picking on" Russia is counter to both reality and to Russia's own interests and views. I deliberately picked out a set of related incidents in which Russia was on different sides of what is effectively the same issue politically.
The point I was trying to make is that the "cold war" is over, but political rivalry between states is not, and in reference to the cold war specifically, NATO vs. Russia is still a very real political issue. Saying the US is poking the Russian bear is missing out on more than half the issue, like, the rest of NATO plus Russia's half.
There's still a lot of posturing and both parties are to "blame" (if you want to call it that). Russia wants to prove it is still a world power militarily, and it also wants to protect its political interests. So when NATO supports the independence of a state from Russia's ally, Russia is opposed, and when that state gains recognition, then it's only fair that NATO "allied" states like Georgia lose states that wish independence from it, and so Russia SUPPORTS those causes. And finally, When Chechen "rebels" (terrorists) fight for independence from Russia, they are OPPOSED to that. Can you blame them for any of this, on a purely political level? And to lead into my point: can you blame them any more or less than their political rivals, the western countries?