It couldn't possibly be that. A group of armed men on abandoned streets that were in engaged in hostilities with US forces aware of Apaches flying overhead would have scattered.
You're not going to see an actual source because none of this information has been released by the military. Some scrub illegally gave the video to wikileaks. I'm surprised that kind of stuff isn't more common place because it's not too hard to burn the file to a disc or, back then, transfer to a thumb drive. It seems to me that wikileaks didn't care enough to identify the actual obvious weapon in the video just what, in hindsight, you can assume to be cameras. Even then insurgents routinely film their escapades so cameras wouldn't necessarily be a red flag. Anyways, reports of military response to this leak can be found on, not sure about other sites.
Not necessarily sight in on them, especially since they were unaware of their presence.
As I alluded to earlier, I don't really like these type of engagements. Even when you know for a fact that the dude is a bad guy, seeing them engaged with weapons designed to destroy armored vehicles is unsettling. However, keeping in mind that this is often the only way the insurgent can be engaged before disappearing to be a certain yet unpredictable future threat it is probably the right choice. Of course it seems cold to hear the sort of discussions soldiers have with regards to killing but, remember, your military is paid to kill, break, and blow **** up. Sure, they also occassionally pass out some beannie babies but their primary mission is not a pretty one.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16