If I had some assurance that the money they are taking from me actually goes to something worthwhile, I can somewhat see what you are getting at.
However, I'm not only funding other people's well-being, I'm also funding abortions, condom drops on foreign countries that don't want them, war, government waste, wallstreet bailouts, etc.
Your taxes don't fund abortions except in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury. The funding of abortion varies state by state but I would encourage you to research the details of abortion as well as the arguments for & against before you decide that you don't want to fund it. I know it's difficult because the crackpot (religious) websites get the highest amount of hits but if you look a little deeper you'll find results.
It's necessary for the civilized world to supply condoms to those countries that can't afford to supply their own. I honestly don't know if we do that in the U.S. or not but I'm going to assume you're correct (I only know that the Bush administration was much bigger on abstinence). However, we must acknowledge that religion (85% Christian & 42% Catholic (anti-condom) & 12% Islamic (anti-condom) & 4.6% Pentecostal (anti-condom)) is one of the many factors that prevent condom use in places such as Uganda, especially amongst married couples. In this particular country, 80% of the people claim that they see condoms as "affordable" yet only 25% consistently use them. If we can get the crackpot religious to stop preaching against the use of condoms & to stop asking people to ignore their biological needs by subscribing to the abstinence joke then these countries would probably be better off (AIDS as well as overpopulation are serious issues in these places).
I won't argue w/ you about war because most rational people subscribe to the notion of a "war on terror" being about as stupid as a "war on drugs".
You aren't going to find many people that are for government waste. All taxpayers should accept the fact that there will always be a certain amount of it. There's not much we can do as citizens to affect this issue other than voting for people that we believe will do something about it or by doing our small part by working for the government ourselves. This isn't a reason to not to want to pay your taxes. I won't pretend that waste is insignificant but it's certainly dwarfed by the amount of money that we waste on pointless, unjustifiable war.
If you don't want Wall Street bailouts then hopefully you'll support politicians that want to strengthen regulation.
If you take from people who have money and give it to those who don't, what motivation do people have to do anything? You're not motivated to get rich, they'll take it all away. You're not motivated to get a job, they just give you free money.
There are various types of motivation but that alone isn't enough for many people if they have limited opportunity. I don't think that anyone is making the claim that the redistribution of wealth is the only means of creating opportunity.
Yes, I do feel like I could become rich if I worked really hard at it. It's not a pipe dream.
It's quite possible to become wealthy in this country but for the vast majority of people, it's unlikely & it isn't always due to a lack of motivation.
Don't talk to me about lack of upward mobility -- I went from nothing, a dude enlisted in the military at 18 getting $800/month to 14 years later I'm doing okay, probably considered upper-middle class, although I don't know what the exact cutoff is. That's upward enough and it was worth working for.
I applaud you for utilizing the opportunities at your disposal. Do you sincerely think that you did it alone or are you willing to acknowledge that it had something to do w/ socioeconomic factors? Are your parents poor? Did you have 2 parents? Are they uneducated? Are they addicted to drugs? Did you go to a decent school? Were the teachers good? The list goes on. There will always be cases where people persevere but there are always be many more where people's hopes & dreams were crushed (assuming they had the opportunity to have hopes & dreams).
I think there are people who are genuinely in tough situations that need help to get out of them. So go find someone like that and give them your money. Just send them a check every month until they are not "poor" anymore. If you ever get "wealthy" (whatever your cutoff is for that definition, as it seems pretty relative to me) start a charity and give away all of your money.
That would work in a world where our need to be charitable was stronger than our feelings of greed. However, we don't live in that world. If we depended entirely on charity we'd be in a world of hurt. Maybe in this Utopia we wouldn't even need a government? Maybe we could call it Charitable Anarchy? Never gonna happen.
I'll get to the rest later...this is taking too much time.
? :)