Oh I'm fully aware that it's not grammatically correct. Just for some reason it's how I like to do it.
(On a similar note, I often type without using any capital letters for the same reason. In my mind, it creates a certain mood, and if that mood is complimentary to what I'm writing then I go with it.)
[here's an example of what I'm talking about. This is a blog entry I wrote a few years ago during a time in my life when I was pretty depressed. You can skip past this crap if you want, it's a bit long, kinda emo, and has nothing to do with the topic at hand... but I think it demonstrates my point pretty well.]
so life is life and all that. just kinda been going through the motions lately. which is fine by me. i've gotten to the point where i don't much care for the moment. sometimes i worry that i'll hold this attitude and my life will pass me by, but for now i'm content to just sit back and let stuff happen.
working a lot of overtime lately (bout 50 hours a week) which is fine cause i've got nothing better to do, but it wears after a while. but i can sit at home in front of a computer and make nothing, or i can sit at work in front of a computer and get paid for it, so meh.
i know there are people out there who care about me and stuff. it'd be nice to get a reminder every now and then, and sometimes i do, just usually not from the people i want to hear it from. i need to meet someone new that cares. i've got friends, but i need more than that. not right now, necessarily, but i at least need the promise of it in the future.
someone told me recently that hope is like an anchor. the problem with anchors is that they're not always helpful if they're used in the wrong place. they provide stability, and they keep you from drifting, but the also keep you in one place and make it hard to move. for now i'm happy being in one place. i'll just sit back and float, and trust that the anchor will hold me in place. i just gotta be ready to pull up the anchor when it's time to move.
i think in the past i've tried to move without raising the anchor. it's not easy. sure, you might be able to get somewhere, but you'll spend more effort than it's worth, so that when you get there you're exhausted and you're not ready to do the job that you came to do.
so when it's time to move, you gotta raise the anchor. just make sure the wind's blowing the right direction.
anyway, i'm kinda rambling now, so i'll let it go. it's getting late and my bed is beckoning. time for a reckoning. thoughts are flickering, voices bickering in my mind. i'll respond in kind. get out, leave me be. there's nothing here to see. but the voices keep calling, and i'm stalling, crawling away, cause i've got nothing left to say. stop trying to play on my emotions and my notions of what the world should be. it's time for me to flee. i should be gone already, keep steady, hold resolve, don't let it dissolve, and my problems will be solved.
peace out.
(the shift key hasn't been my friend lately)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.