Definitely a great movie, it never strays from the fact that it's an action comedy and a parody of comic book heroes. The action scenes (as well as the cinematography in general) are great as expected from the trailers. One of the things this movie does right as oppose to recent movies such as
Clash of the Titans is the fact that it actually has character development. You actually give a damn about the characters and that keeps you engaged throughout the film's plot.
The great casting helps too. Like some people have mentioned, Nicolas Cage's impression of Adam West's Batman is awesome. You can really tell that Cage loved the role base on his performance. Then again, it is kind of expected since Cage is a big comic book geek. He named his son Ka-El and tried to audition for the role of Superman in the past. Additionally, he did publish his own comic books too.
Chloe also really stands out as Hit-Girl for obvious (controversial) reasons. This movie will definitely help launch her career more by securing her more mature roles. She's slated to be in the American remake of
Let the Right One In.
I find it amusing that some of my audience was laughing when she said the infamous "c" word and started slaughtering people. However when Lindsy Fonseca (Katie) covered her bare breasts in a scene, I heard a couple of gasps. I forgotten how dangerous bare breasts can be even when it's covered by a 23 years-old.
Aaron Johnson puts on a much more convincing American accent compared to someone like say, Sam Worthington. He definitely plays out his "I'm an average loser" well, but what do you expect from McLoving. By the way, did you realize he's engaged to a
43 years-old woman even though he's only 19? She is already pregnant too, yeah.....
Do I really need to mention Mark Strong? The guy always play a great villain much like Gary Oldeman. Come to think of it, I would like to see the two of them together in a movie as villains.
Definitely worth your time and money.