One of the more annoying things about religious arguments (particularly on this board) is that people tend to use extremes as their support, and fail to recognize any middle ground. "Christians and Muslims kill people, they do it all the time and they are mean and bigoted."
Sure, a lot of evil has been done in the name of religion. A lot of evil has been done in the name of science. A lot of evil has been done in the name of a lot of things. A lot of good has been done in the name of religion, and a lot of good has been done in the name of science, etc.
I, for one, appreciate religion and realize it's benefits. I also like having running water and electricity. If people can believe something that helps them to be "better" (to use a relative term) people without harming anyone else, good!
A few years ago, when I was living with my parents, we were having those big fires in Southern California, and we were forced to flee. We had to find a place to stay, food to eat, and blankets to keep us warm. Do you know who helped us? It wasn't our secular government. It wasn't our brilliant scientists. It wasn't Mentat and his atheism. It was those annoying Mormons who come knocking on our door on Saturday. They brought us blankets and candles. The Christian church a few blocks away let us sleep in their building, which they kept heated all night, and provided warm showers and warm breakfast in the morning.
A lot can be said of the evil done by religion. I don't pretend that everything is always peachy, but a lot of good things have been brought about through religion, and they still continue.