I just got back from the film. I have to say that going in with miserable expectations was a boon, because the film exceeded what I anticipated by a mile. Aside from a few nitpicks here and there, I think it was a pretty faithful reimagining of the Nightmare franchise, and it gives room to grow on.
As expected, I didn't like Jackie Earle Haley in the role of Freddy. His voice was too recycled from his Watchmen character, and his face doesn't lend itself to "Freddy". The latter point is moot though because Freddy would've had to be Robert Englund to look like Freddy. Aside from looks and sound, his mannerisms were about 50% there. Half the time he moved slinky and sinisterly like you'd expect Freddy to move, the other half he lumbered about and just looked like your run of the mill brainless psychopath trying to kill whatever got in his way.
The other casting selections were pretty good. The acting was on par with what you'd expect from a horror flick, but there were only a few moments where you thought the actor was going to say, "line" to progress the dialogue.
I was absolutely delighted to see a number of my favorite scenes from the original film reshot for this flick. I won't go into detail to avoid spoilers, but anyone who has seen the original Nightmare will appreciate the little touches here and there, aside from one gratuitous use of CG and some wallpaper that just looked horrible.
In all I'd give the film a solid 8/10. My complaints were minimal, and I found myself really enjoying the film. I'm just a little torn on one thing that I'm not sure is good or bad.. Typically I root for Freddy, but this time around it was easy to root against him.
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