Well truthfully here is your answers before you throw eggs at me :P. I know Im a controversial kind of guy. I posses the following:
Dark Forces
Rebel Assault 1 and 2
Rouge Squadron
JKDF2 (everyone knows this one)
Force Commander
Pod Racer
The Clone Wars
Galactic Battle Grounds and extensions packs
Bounty Hunter
SW Lego
SW Battle Fronts 1 and 2
JO and JA
Empire at War
I dont have SW Galaxies and unleashed and also Kotor for some damn reason. (not to mention the x-wing vs. tie and so on and so forth).
Its my goal to collect every type of format video game of the realm of SW.
I am of course a collector of SW S**T, but I should rephrase this, I probably own a good 60% of sw games.
Oh btw! my Massassi Collegues, My first Name really is Daniel, and yes I am the Darth Dan!