You must be seriously stupid if you don't think that discovering life on another planet would be a world changing event, and not just something that would be significant for those in the field. There is no other way to put it, sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick, and I know that right now it might not be that interesting, but if you honestly think that finding definitive life on another world wouldn't have an impact on humanity, you are, seriously, stupid in the most profound of ways.
Which is actually kind of sad since I usually tend to agree with your statements. Oh well, meh.
What is happening right now (which I hope you were iterating) is maybe perhaps interesting to those in the field only since it's not yet been proven to be life, but it's a sad thing if you are not interested the least in this subject. Space exploration is one of the most important things humanity can do, and discovering another life form on another planet is a HUGE thing. World changing. IN EVERY WAY. There is no possible way to deny that. No matter how sheltered you want to keep yourself from the reality of the universe.