note : drunk
some of u may remember, i posted a thread bout making a game b4... then. w/ MASSASSI's halp, i realized that it can't be done w/o investing time to learn game dsing.
so... the project that this transformed into is an INTERACTVIE STOYR prject (becauz when im sober i knda more or less can write **** - [url][/url]) - an interactive story.
year is 4200+ - the project spans 5 stories. frist story is for free. so is the last one. the 3 in between cost $2 each.
interactive story - a lot of online PAYING markets, problem - too much text on screen. interactive - only few paragprahs and then CHOICE of wtf u want main characer to do next. first out of five (project called CHRONOLOGIE V after, of course, J.M. Jarre's Chronolgive IV) had been posted on Massassi (Red Pills Motorcycle Club, search SHOWCASE forusm). Ofc, early and unedited version, will need minor and major revisions and also need to make interactive.
Great idea i think. Never seen it done b4. Will take an year. But well worth it. And besides, was planning on writing a book anyway -- this is perfect pracice.
some of u may remember, i posted a thread bout making a game b4... then. w/ MASSASSI's halp, i realized that it can't be done w/o investing time to learn game dsing.
so... the project that this transformed into is an INTERACTVIE STOYR prject (becauz when im sober i knda more or less can write **** - [url][/url]) - an interactive story.
year is 4200+ - the project spans 5 stories. frist story is for free. so is the last one. the 3 in between cost $2 each.
interactive story - a lot of online PAYING markets, problem - too much text on screen. interactive - only few paragprahs and then CHOICE of wtf u want main characer to do next. first out of five (project called CHRONOLOGIE V after, of course, J.M. Jarre's Chronolgive IV) had been posted on Massassi (Red Pills Motorcycle Club, search SHOWCASE forusm). Ofc, early and unedited version, will need minor and major revisions and also need to make interactive.
Great idea i think. Never seen it done b4. Will take an year. But well worth it. And besides, was planning on writing a book anyway -- this is perfect pracice.