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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do You Have A Shy Bladder?
Do You Have A Shy Bladder?
2010-06-26, 6:47 AM #1
The other thread brought up an interesting question.

I can't pee/poop in front of other people or if any are near at all. What about you guys?
2010-06-26, 6:50 AM #2
When I'm peeing, even in the stall, and someone opens the door in the bathroom I tighten up mid-stream. I've only ever used the toilet near or around a single girlfriend my entire life, and it's actually been an argument before. "You've seen me naked, why can't I brush my teeth while you poop?" Because I can't go until you leave. I am kind of okay with them in the shower, but even then it's difficult and only in an emergency.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-06-26, 6:51 AM #3
Originally posted by JediKirby:
When I'm peeing, even in the stall, and someone opens the door in the bathroom I tighten up mid-stream. I've only ever used the toilet near or around a single girlfriend my entire life, and it's actually been an argument before. "You've seen me naked, why can't I brush my teeth while you poop?" Because I can't go until you leave.

Aye, it's a curse.
2010-06-26, 6:51 AM #4
I had a shy bladder when I was a child. I got over it by purposely exposing myself to people. That & playing light-sabers (2 or more people hold their hilt (penis) & you try to attack & parry w/ your blade (urine)) w/ my brothers & cousins. It takes practice but you too can do it. It's sort of how you climb mountains to get over acrophobia.
? :)
2010-06-26, 6:51 AM #5
I figured most people do until they become accustomed to the task. It's probably an evolutionary thing. To minimise the chances of being eaten by some kind of rabid man-eating super panda while dropping a deuce behind a fern.
2010-06-26, 6:53 AM #6
Originally posted by Jin:
I figured most people do until they become accustomed to the task. It's probably an evolutionary thing. To minimise the chances of being eaten by some kind of rabid man-eating super panda while dropping a deuce behind a fern.

Accustomed? It's been 19 years!
2010-06-26, 6:55 AM #7
Clearly you're not pooping in front of enough people.

You need to work on that. Doctors recommend take one (1) Laxette and then hit the amusement park.
2010-06-26, 6:55 AM #8
Shy? Hell no. I pee everywhere wherever I go.


Oh and

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2010-06-26, 7:01 AM #9
When I'm peeing, even in the stall, and someone opens the door in the bathroom I tighten up mid-stream. I've only ever used the toilet near or around a single girlfriend my entire life, and it's actually been an argument before. "You've seen me naked, why can't I brush my teeth while you poop?" Because I can't go until you leave. I am kind of okay with them in the shower, but even then it's difficult and only in an emergency.

Why the hell would your girlfriend want to take a **** in front of you? That's just nasty IMO.

Although I must admit, I am exactly the same way. Whenever in a public washroom I absolutely can NOT urinate if someone is standing beside me, or even near me at one of the urinals. The bathroom has to be all but empty pretty much, or I have to go into one of the stalls and I am fine.
2010-06-26, 7:54 AM #10
We all sh*t, we all pee.

Some through slits, some through wees.

So take off your pants and have at it, bub.

While your girlfriend takes a dump in the tub.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2010-06-26, 8:09 AM #11
Originally posted by rstu645:

Good point, I also prefer urinating with my [HEADCRAB HAT] on. [BEN FRANKLIN] would be proud. Huh?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2010-06-26, 8:37 AM #12
Originally posted by Mentat:
I had a shy bladder when I was a child. I got over it by purposely exposing myself to people.

Remind me to never meet you in person.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2010-06-26, 10:08 AM #13
Never for #2, but if I'm going #1 around people I don't know, then yes.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2010-06-26, 11:23 AM #14
I have pissed in a bucket. While on a 26' rowing boat with 14 people. While racing other similar boats at close quarters. During the first nice day of the year on Lake Union. Surrounded by millions of people.


2010-06-26, 11:28 AM #15
Yeah. Some friends found out about it and would constantly follow me into public restrooms and stand uncomfortably close behind me until I would just give up. Though later one of those friends imparted this gem of knowledge
"Think of Bunnies."

It works. When ever I have to piss in a public place I just think of bunnies, and then it flows like a mighty river! :hist101:
My blawgh.
2010-06-26, 12:11 PM #16
Let er rip.
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2010-06-26, 12:15 PM #17
I will fight tooth and nail for a stall if there is one.

If not I will hold it in like my bladder is made of an iron-like substance able to carry a tremendous volume of Coca-Cola-based byproducts and waste.

Edit: thing is, I used to be fine doing it. Now? Not so much.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2010-06-26, 12:26 PM #18
It's completely psychological. I transport myself to a beautiful spot in nature in front of a massive waterfall. It works.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2010-06-26, 12:29 PM #19
We will, we being the married thing, poop and wee when ever, I have a thing about timing it that I need to poop when she is in the bath, this causes me to laugh lots and she gets peed of with me :D

I do on the other hand seem to have a bladder of a 80 year old at the moment so will be were ever and when ever I can.
Flying over there some were...
2010-06-26, 12:38 PM #20
for all those that can't pee in public....hahahahahahah

I've done it into a plastic bottle in a rowing boat, on the thames in front of a crowd while waiting for the race to start, that was a good pee.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2010-06-26, 1:30 PM #21
I am comfortable with sharing a urinal and having a deep conversation on the ****ter.

Benefits of serving your country I guess.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-06-26, 1:34 PM #22

Also for the record it's called Shycock. :P
2010-06-26, 1:37 PM #23
nope, but I do have a self-conscious pancreas
He said to them: "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment." - Gospel of Thomas
2010-06-26, 3:41 PM #24
If you have a shy bladder, here's the cure.

Go out, get completely wasted so that you just dont even care, and you have to piss so bad it doesnt matter that people are standing right next to you in the public bathroom.

Do this again and again getting progressively less drunk each time until you can do it sober.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2010-06-26, 3:48 PM #25
I think the whole public urinal thing is freaking weird.
Bunch of guys standing next to each other and urinating on a wall... why is that considered normal?
I'm probably more opposed to it then most because of an experience I had in the urinal, but even before then I always thought it was weird.

Originally posted by poley:
I've done it into a plastic bottle in a rowing boat, on the thames in front of a crowd while waiting for the race to start, that was a good pee.

...and you find that bragworthy? Even most wallpeers would find that weird.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-06-26, 4:43 PM #26
I don't see what's so weird about it. I mean...urinating is pretty much the least weird thing we do.
2010-06-26, 5:23 PM #27
There's nothing weird about urinating, it's a perfectly normal function. But I'd no sooner piss in front of everyone then I would wank.

Wouldn't you feel weird if the public crappers had no walls?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-06-26, 5:24 PM #28
I'd feel weirder if the crapper was made of plexiglass.
2010-06-26, 6:17 PM #29
Originally posted by Mentat:
I had a shy bladder when I was a child. I got over it by purposely exposing myself to people. That & playing light-sabers (2 or more people hold their hilt (penis) & you try to attack & parry w/ your blade (urine)) w/ my brothers & cousins. It takes practice but you too can do it. It's sort of how you climb mountains to get over acrophobia.

2010-06-26, 6:26 PM #30
This in no way surprises me.
2010-06-26, 6:38 PM #31
Originally posted by Deadman:
...and you find that bragworthy? Even most wallpeers would find that weird.
in the context of the thread, yeah.

If you've been sitting on the river for 2 hours + while marshelling, taking in fluids ready for the race, that I should add lasts 20 odd minutes, you wanna make sure that you don't need to take a piss mid way through, because there isn't any stopping once you cross the start line.

You look up and down the river in the marshelling zones near the start, you'll find people pee'ing into bottles, standing up and just straight out pee'ing into the river in full view.

I think if you broke the poll down into how the europeans and americans voted, (maybe I'm generalising here from the americans I've known), but my guess is that you'd get 50/50 split with the americans. The europeans, well, we seriously don't give a crap, out of all of the europeans the british are probably the most "prude" but compared to some of the yanks I know we are exhibitionists... (I do however know a few brits who have shy bladders, but they are the minority by far)

good thing/bad thing....pft, like it makes a difference.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2010-06-26, 6:57 PM #32
I can understand people having shy bladders that they are unable to master, that's fine, but I think truly not understanding why it's no big deal to urinate near to someone else is a logically baseless and unnecessary psychological hangup.
2010-06-26, 7:25 PM #33
Originally posted by saberopus:
I can understand people having shy bladders that they are unable to master, that's fine, but I think truly not understanding why it's no big deal to urinate near to someone else is a logically baseless and unnecessary psychological hangup.

it doesnt make sense to me either, i just cant help it, its like its out of my control, i dont get stressed over it, just embarrased that i have this issue.

the other day at work i was standing at our one urinal and someone came in and wiated for about 10 seconds... i felt super embarrassed, then he just shrugged and went into the stall, i still didnt go until he left the room...SUPER EMBARASSING
2010-06-26, 7:41 PM #34
Originally posted by saberopus:
I can understand people having shy bladders that they are unable to master, that's fine, but I think truly not understanding why it's no big deal to urinate near to someone else is a logically baseless and unnecessary psychological hangup.

I get the feeling you misundestood me.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-06-27, 7:13 AM #35
I think that it's possible for different people to have a shy bladder for different reasons. However, my problem seemed to stem from a fear of having other people see my penis. I can remember actually yelling at other students when I was a child & telling them "don't be lookin' at my penis". Once I started showing my penis to more people the problem went away. I think a lot of people just feel vulnerable when they're urinating (you're literally being caught w/ your pants down or at least unzipped). I was talking to a co-worker about this a few years ago (while we were pissing). He had a shy bladder until he started using a psychological trick. He would would imagine beating up the person next to him, pissing on them & slinging insults. He told me at a party that I hosted that he had more difficult pissing around people of other ethnicities & that his imaginary acts & insults were often "racially" motivated (e.g: hanging blacks). Needless to say that I didn't invite him to any more of my parties (very few of my friends are "white").
? :)
2010-06-27, 7:24 AM #36
I'm "asian".
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2010-06-27, 8:44 AM #37
Originally posted by Mentat:
I had a shy bladder when I was a child. I got over it by purposely exposing myself to people. That & playing light-sabers (2 or more people hold their hilt (penis) & you try to attack & parry w/ your blade (urine)) w/ my brothers & cousins. It takes practice but you too can do it. It's sort of how you climb mountains to get over acrophobia.

That explains you
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-06-27, 8:45 AM #38
Oh Couchman, that's my life.

I don't know why, it makes no sense once I leave the bathroom, and I wish I didn't have the hangup. After reading this thread I've been trying so hard to let it go, but it's almost as if there is shame associated with someone knowing I'm using the toilet, despite the fact that I am literally in the place for doing that. It has little to do with nudity, and everything to do with making bathroom noises/smells.

I think it also comes down to the fact that I'm disgusted by bathrooming in general. I often gross my own self out using the toilet and want to be clean and free of the experience as soon as possible. If someone else is in the bathroom I make noise or hum so I don't hear it and if I smell it I don't even go in.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-06-27, 10:20 AM #39
I pee on people.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-06-27, 10:23 AM #40
Originally posted by Alan:
I pee on people.

You only count as one person.

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