flaming aside, i'm not really a fan of his. Yes he's smart, amazing that writing equations on a blackboard can ACTUALLY explain how subatomic particles work, they worked it all out just based on matrices and long strings of equations. In fact i'm in awe of that, and in awe of hawking and others who can do it (i did astrophysics for 2 years, i COULDNT do it. Math is a gift i dont have)
However. The man himself. He has made mistakes. In his personal life, he washed his hands of his 1st marriage rather than fight for it, and married his Nurse shortly after. His wife had looked after him for 2 decades, and she was shown the door in a rather unfeeling way.
Secondly, whilst he has helped us all ponder the nature of the universe and the atomic world, he has CREATED anything? He hasnt invented anything as ground breaking as the aircraft/wing like the WRight Bros did, any foray into fusion generation, computers, etc. Nothing technologically spectacular came from Hawking or his work. And to some, thats the measure of a scientist. They keep telling us CERN and other subatomic devices are helping to create new science, or will do, i dont see any sign of it yet. When was the last time anyone found a use for Muons? ...Or perhaps "scientist" and "engineer" need to be identified more clearly.
So in conclusion. Very smart man. Makes bold statements that nobody can disprove. Bit of a dick in his past. Hasnt created anything of significant worth in my eyes. But at least he makes physics appear less boring.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The end.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
do other babe}
do a dude}