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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Well, I sure did **** up. Can I get some tech help?
Well, I sure did **** up. Can I get some tech help?
2010-09-13, 1:15 PM #1
I'll make this short, I formatted a drive and installed WinXP on it. I later found out that there was important stuff on it and I'm scrambling to find a way to recover any of it.
Any ideas here?
2010-09-13, 1:25 PM #2 ?
2010-09-13, 1:56 PM #3
If it was a quick format, you might be able to salvage something. If you did a full format, you're ****ed.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-09-13, 2:01 PM #4
No. For being a general ****** in other computer threads I don't think you deserve tech support.
2010-09-13, 2:02 PM #5
I have never had any luck with it, but you could try Recuva -

Also stop using the drive if at all possible, but yea you are screwed if you did anything other than a quick format.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2010-09-13, 2:31 PM #6
Originally posted by Emon:
If it was a quick format, you might be able to salvage something. If you did a full format, you're ****ed.

Would that really matter? The only real difference in a full format and quick format as far as Windows is concerned is that a full format also scans the disk for bad sectors. I wouldn't think that would erase any data.

(XP's formatting at least. Vista and 7 do write 0's to the disk during a full format, but that's functionality that was new to Vista, so assuming he used XP's format tool in the installer, that wouldn't apply.)
2010-09-13, 3:58 PM #7
Really? I assumed it zero'ed it, seeing as how that's the point.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-09-13, 4:10 PM #8
Uh yeah, both in XP and Vista/7, quick format simply marks the partition as formatted. A full format doesn't scan for bad sectors, it zeroes the drive. I'm 99.9% sure about this.
2010-09-13, 4:43 PM #9
(XP) The only difference between a format and a quick format is that the full format also runs chkdsk. KB302686
2010-09-13, 4:46 PM #10
That explains all the drive zeroing tools.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-09-13, 4:50 PM #11
I stand corrected. Who'da thunk it'd be that stupid.
2010-09-13, 4:59 PM #12
Also, 99% of chkdsk is a waste of time. (The first part is a fast fsck, the last part is a low level drive scan... but all hard drive controllers made in the past 16 years automatically remap defective sectors.)
2010-09-13, 5:27 PM #13
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

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