I waited until it had been over 24 hours since a substantive post was made in this thread before broaching topics I felt inclined to bring up.
For once a truly defining event that happens once in a while was a good thing? "Truly defining events" can be good or bad but I don't think they're almost always bad and this was some huge exception to the rule. It is a good story and that's why I found it relevant to point out the differences in how the respective presidents handle crisis.
It never ceases to amaze me that relatively intelligent members of this site seem to make such wide ranging determinations of the character of others from such limited conversation. I could have emoted my feelings during the rescue but I chose not to. In many ways I understand completely many of the emotions those miners went through. Spending many months separated from family under the most stressful conditions, the anticipation of reunion while enduring claustrophobic conditions in transit (military chartered flights aren't much more spacious than those capsules), being hailed as a hero in celebratory fashion when you just feel like an average Joe doing his job, and, finally, being greeted by your hot Hispanic wife all dolled up.
It was pretty emotional for me to watch the rescue.
That would be "mega dittos" but, really, for the most part I only hear what I'm already thinking on his show.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16