I picked up the game last night, and although I was really sleep deprived, I had a pretty good go at it. The SP campaign seems pretty well done, but it's like every other Call of Duty since 4. Every situation is standing out in the open while a million bad guys are shooting at you from every which direction. Very accurate, very long bursts, even through smoke and even when you're in cover. They also have this maneuver where they crouch down of the floor, stick their head around cover and blind fire you. They're insanely accurate, but the snap on aiming will never target them. In a lot of firefights there's very little cover, and what little cover is available is taken by your allies. I was originally playing in the hardest difficulty, but I came across a timed segment and it was pretty much impossible to complete.
The multiplayer seems pretty good. I got my ass handed to me on a plate because I was sleep deprived, not used to the PS3 controller and hadn't played a CoD game in a while. The gameplay isn't anything astounding, it doesn't really do much to advance the series in any meaningful way. The weapons seem balanced. The assault rifles are still strong, but they're not as dominating as in MW2. The only gun that I've come across that seems unfair is the M16, which is also the starting rifle. Developers must not play FPS games online, because if they did, they'd stop putting in these super powerful burst fire weapons. It does very high damage with a high fire rate and very little recoil. Maybe when the average player level goes up you'll see less of them.
The sound direction is a bit underwhelming, although not as bad as everyone says. You will not be able to hear footsteps (other than your own), even with good headphones. This makes the equipment even more necessary, especially for pro campers like myself. The air support sounds are toned down, which makes them sound a bit weak, but I'd rather hear what's going on in the game than what's blaring over my head.
Lag is a big issue, both on the consoles and on the PC. I heard they're putting out a patch for the PC, but the lag on the PSN is nasty. I had a 3 bar at most. When I played MW2, lag wasn't in issue in most matches I played. Hopefully the issue sorts itself out after the initial rush of everyone buying the game. I hate dying around corners.