ha, talk it out. yeah, that works...
My mother gave me some advise when I was in school, she said "If anyone starts something and picks on you and bullies you, you've got one shot. Make it count".
It's true what the article says, they understand violence, and if you show you're willing to stand up to them, generally they see you as too much to bother with and move on.
I was never more proud of my nephews then when the youngest was being picked on by some older kids, my oldest nephew stood up for his brother and when they didn't stop, the two of them kicked the **** outta the other kids at least 2 years older then my eldest nephew.
the 3 kids that started it got a few black eyes and some bruises and my nephews got a few days off school, but they've never had any more problems from those kids since.
myself, I tend to use words before I result to violence, but I tend to try and sound witty and make them just sound like tards, it's surprisingly easy to get someone insulting you to sound like an idiot in front of other people, not insulting them per say, but verbally taking them down a notch.
even as an adult, I've never really been in a fight, been in plenty of situations that could escalate to a fight, but i'm pretty good at deescalating situations and having both parties just walk away. But even still, I'm not afraid to throw a punch to prove a point.
but that guys article also gives a bit of retarded advise, got into a fight with mafia guys? attacked his muggers? sure it worked out for him in those specific times, but it's something you have to learn to assess and decide if this is the right thing to do, exercise a little caution and some common sense.