Historically this is exactly what religion has been for. Why else would you have it? Moral insight? Maybe from Buddhism, certainly not from Christianity or Judaism. Oh, that and to provide comfort and false hopes.
So are you talking about "spiritual" experiences? Experiences that are, by our current understanding entirely neurochemical? Which can be found in a variety of other forms, including music, art, psychoactive drugs and even a helmet that emits EM pulses? Why should anyone be religious and (presumably) take on all the other dogmatic garbage that comes with it?
Of course people aren't religious because they want to learn. Religious institutions almost always bury the truth in favor of dogma.
Of course it's real, but I'd argue religion is entirely unnecessary. I also hear a lot of people say "well, I find it comforting." It seems like they're lying to themselves when they say that. Believing in something just for an experience or comfort seems dishonest and ultimately useless.
It sounds like you're arguing in favor of, "oh, this is deep, man, pass that blunt" spiritual experiences and not for anything else that traditionally comes with religion.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.