I am dredging through ME1 to get to ME2, and I'm really not that far but it just doesn't engage me. Lots of running around and doing things that are either good or bad, and just make me reload a save when something I didn't anticipate happens. I don't know if I'm all that excited for ME3.
Dragon Age really didn't impress me all that much. Aside from trying all of the opening areas, the rest of the game is pretty boring. I recently played through both Beyond Good and Evil and Psychonauts and while obviously different games from ME/DA, I think their smaller scope proves that the whole open-ended scope really doesn't improve a game in believability or experience, the two things it's supposed to do.
I'm really going to hold my tongue for Skyrim. I'm skeptical, and sick of the current engine. If it's the same thing with slight updates, I might have to wait until it's on sale.
I want to play Crysis in a city, but I really hope they make the enemy difficulty a little more fun and varied.
LA Noir looks really cool, but I want to see some of the gameplay first. I am starting to get fatigued by rockstar style games along with open worlds in general.
After watching the media and reading a lot of developer diaries, Guild Wars 2 really looks right up my ally. The idea that taking a town means that other things in the world happen impresses me, and I hope they expand upon those ideas to create quests and chances to change entire courses of the game.
The Last Guardian and ICO collection will be awesome, and it'll be for my friend's system so I wont have to buy them.
Brink is pretty much my most anticipated title, but the one most likely to let me down. I'm excited to run around the environment but also shoot. Rage also looks interesting, if not a little derivative. I'm more interested in that game for the mods.
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