True, but remember the threads they make show up in search engines like google and yahoo. And you don't need to be logged in or even have an account to view threads. So when Frank Nonmassassian is doing research on the internet for an inexpensive laptop, he punches it into google and ends up here. If Mr. Nonmassassian is unwise to the ways of the internet (which he likely is) and if the spambot is especially clever, Mr. Nonmassassian will think that the thread was created by a legitimate member of this community, with the intention of providing helpful advice to the community. He will therefore follow up on the links posted in the thread.
On the other hand, this scenario is highly unlikely on Massassi, as our admins usually do a good job of pulling that **** down before anyone (besides a few community members here and there) even see it.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.