Note that I intend to talk to Gebohq in great lengths about this, but here's my view on this:
Absolutely the worst decision ever.
1. It's not Gebohq's story to end. It is a story that everyone who has ever posted owns a piece of. For one person to have the life/death control over the entire story is complete bull****. Yes, Gebohq worked harder than anyone else to keep it alive, but that is irrelevant to the spirit of the NeS he helped create.
2. Why does it even need an ending? It's already had one, you could argue. You could even argue it has had numerous endings. But that's the point, it is the NEVER-ENDING STORY. If writers run out of interest, this is not the type of story you take out back and shoot. I think it completely loses the novelty and spirit of the NeS to simply say "well I give up, no one is interested now, so no more posts".
3. There wasn't even a discussion about this, at least nothing to myself. I think that's wholly selfish. If Gebohq didn't feel like maintaining the NeS anymore, that's one thing. We all have lives, we all get busy. But that's no reason to just kill it off.
4. I always understood that Gebohq wanted to keep finding writers and keep interest up for the story. It's notable and I apologize that I have been so annoyed and angered by this action of his. The failure to find new writers is saddening, but let the silence do the writing. Not some writer.
5. Long story short, by doing this, it feels as if Gebohq has killed the NeS. It has not ended, it has been murdered.
Anyway, I really, really had to get that off my chest. I'll talk to Gebohq about it later, probably tomorrow when he's coherent and not working. Maybe by then I won't be near-vulgarity level of angry over this.