I'll respond in the order these posts were made:
Soul box? Is that like a Swear Box, and you have to put money into it every time you break out into a Patsy Cline impersonation?
Well, I've already confiscated all the sanities from Richard's Animorphs Forum (my home forum and Massassi-equivalent) and sealed them safely into green glass bottles. I suppose my soul will be fairly safe in this ordinary-looking can of Dr. Pepper.
I'll look into that NES thread, as per your suggestion.
Hallo to you, too, Martyn!
Dormouse, I don't really do any "kind" of essaying... it's a bit of a mix. Some research papers (Walt Whitman, architecture-related-stuffz, Albert Speer, an historic building in my hometown, etc...) and some kinda' historical critiques, especially anything involving the Roman empire, some social commentaries... *shrug* If it interests me, I write on it.
That's a link to my Everything2 feed; it has several of my shorter pieces, as well as some random poetry and fiction in the mix.
Actually... I have in the past used the handle of a rake as a Jo stave... *shrug*
[That would probably be funnier if it weren't true. :P]
Thanks for the welcome, Spook.
Naw, Free is absolutely a dear IRL. He reserves his snark for you folks, and I see his best side.
Yes, he has a best side. [I felt it might be necessary to preempt that one.]
Genk, he hasn't done an Obi-Wan impersonation in a long time... I scarcely recall what they were like. Alas... >_< [Redo: He just waved his hand and said "These are not the droids you're looking for." in a low voice. He's laughing now while I post this.]
Hi, back, Koobie!
Thanks, Happydud, and... that's about exactly how it happened.
He was a little spooked at the prospect of me joining, not because of anything he's afraid of me seeing, more that he didn't know how I'd be received.
Free, your concerns appear to have been unnecessary.
Maybe I do... maybe I don't [call him Free IRL].
Stat: Your mom. ^_^
Thanks, Sugarless! Yes, I play classical piano; it makes up the largest part of my repertoire, in terms of things that other people write and which I play. That being said, I prefer improvising to covering/replaying existing pieces.
Zloc, Free says you aren't 12 years old.
Hi, Vin! Thanks; I hope you'll still like my writing after you've read the E2 stuff.
No worries, Baconfish; I have cookies here. I also have a Twix, but I'm not sharing. V_V
Steven, yes I have met his mother; she's a lovely and insightful lady.
I'm 5'2" with tall shoes at morning, and 5'0" barefoot at day's end (scoliosis is a loooovely condition /sarcasm).
Free is 5'11", significantly taller than I am.
I can beat him up (and he said "probably."), but he always wins at arm-wrestling.
However, I always win at thumb-wrestling. ^_^
I enjoy him unbeardly, but I really haven't had much interaction with his face in its beardly state, so I won't make any statement for one or the other.
Also, Free only just realized what your signature means, and only 'cause I pointed it out to him.
I bet he winces when I post that.
Oh, I don't mess with his computer. I have my own AlienWare M11x and a nasty-green Dell for backup; he has a desktop and a Toshiba laptop. Our technological possessions and spheres of influence are independent from each other. We just have a tendency to frequent similar online fora.