Hi all!
So I'm hoping to interest 6 players for a new game I'd like to start this Monday. Please use this thread to post if you'd like to play (I will be including "backup" players should a main player stop playing) and any questions you may have. Below are the rules, which while by far are the longest I've made for a forum game, should be pretty similar to a combination of two games everyone should be familiar with, as can be seen in this tagline:
Time to Kill - it's Clue meets Werewolf... with time travel!
Out potential players so far:
Outlaw Torn
Liberius Vir
Anyway, here's everything I got for this game:
You have been selected to participate in a 50-year scientific experiment to test the observation factor applied to space-time dimensional travel via a new invention, the Schrödinger Space-Time Boxes. You and those in your test group have successfully completed the first time transit -- all except for one, Test Subject #0, who has been determined as murdered. Your chamber has been quarantined until the murderer can be verified by one of the test subjects. One could say, if nothing else, there's time to kill...
For most players, the objective is to investigate via observations and interrogations in hopes of correctly accusing the murderer of the original victim (Test Subject #0) before becoming the murderer's next victim. The player who makes the correct accusation wins the game.
For the murderer, their objective is to kill the remaining test subjects while keeping them off your trail. The murderer wins if they and one other test subject remains alive.
To start, seven people are required for play: one moderator, one murderer (the guilty test subject), and five innocent test subjects. The roles can either be determined randomly in secret via shuffled test subject clues (with the moderator revealing their role immediately) or by a selected moderator at their discresion in secret.
The moderator assigns the test subjects numbers 1 through 6 and places them evenly across the three time periods: past, present, and future. The moderator will then take note of the following interrogation clues to the original murder:
Test Subject #0 (this only applies if the clues are used to randomly determine roles for all players and is removed from further gameplay)
Test Subject #1
Test Subject #2
Test Subject #3
Test Subject #4
Test Subject #5
Test Subject #6
Time - Past
Time - Present
Time - Future
Weapon - Wrench
Weapon - Poison
Weapon - Timed Explosive
Weapon - Hacked Program
Weapon - Esrever grenade
Weapon - Esrever rifle
In secret, the moderator should confer with the murderer to select what time period Test Subject #0 was murdered and which weapon they used. The moderator then sets those clues aside as in possession of the moderator, then shuffles the remaining interrogation clues and distributes them evenly among the six test subjects. The subjects are not to reveal their clues to anybody until directed.
A player can openly occupy one of three time periods: past, present or future. In the past, the poison and the timed explosive are available to the killer. In the present, hacked programs are available to the killer. In the future, the Esrever rifle and Esrever grenade are available to the killer. These weapons cannot be transported to other time periods. Any other time, they are considered to be inside their Schrödinger Space-Time Boxes.
There are six possible weapons the murderer has at their disposal: wrench, poison, hacked program, timed explosive, Esrever grenade and Esrever rifle. The wrench, which is used in the past to loosen machinery in the Space-Time Box, can kill someone in the present. The poison, also used in the past in a Space-Time Box's life support, can kill someone in the future. The hacked program, set in the present, can kill someone in the past. The timed explosive, also set in the present, can kill someone in the future. The Esrever grenade, with its pin pulled in the future, counts backwards in times and kills someone in the present. The Esrever rifle, with its trigger pulled in the future, travels backwards in time to kill someone in the past. All these weapons are designed for their effects on their victim to be indistinguishable from each other.
There are two modes of play which alternate in rounds: Time mode and Transit mode. The moderator begins the game in Time mode.
Time ModeIn Time mode, you and any other player may, whenever desired, openly speak any amount of OBSERVATION publically. Observation may include truthful or falsified information gathered from noticed behaviors and events, speculation, gut instincts -- any information which is not about an interrogation clue to the original murder you possess or acquire through INTERROGATION. INTERROGATION is the only method to find out the clues other players possess.
Once per round in Time mode, starting with Test Subject #1, a player may choose to interrogate another player to determine their guilt in the original murder. If the player does not wish to interrogate, they announce that they will be observing only. If they choose to interrogate, the player they interrogate must currently be in the same time period as themselves and must form their interrogation question as such:
"I suggest that the original murder was committed with Test Subject #0 in the [time period], by [test subject suspect] with the [weapon]."
The player interrogated must then try and prove it false. This player looks at their clues to see if the time period, test subject or weapon suggested is in their possession. If the player has one or more of these clues, they must show it to the interrogator and no one else. If the player has more than one of the clues named, they select just one to reveal to the interrogator. If they are unable to prove the interrogator's suggestion false, the interrogator may choose to follow with an Accusation.
SPECIAL NOTE: You may make only one Interrogation after entering a particular Time Period. To make your next Interrogation, you must move to another Time Period first while in Transit mode.
When you think you've figured out which three clues prove the guilty test subject as the murderer, you may, while in Time mode, make an Accusation. First say "I accuse [Test Subject Suspect] of committing the original murder with Test Subject #0 in the [Time Period] with the [Weapon]" Then, so that the other players do not see, consult the moderator. If you have guessed correctly, the results are publically announced by the moderator and you are determined the winner. If you guessed incorrectly, you die in all time periods and may not play any further in the game.
SPECIAL NOTE: In an Interrogation, the Time Period and Test Subject Suspect you name must be the Time Period where you and the Test Subject Suspect are currently occupying. But in an Accusation, you may name any Time Period or Test Subject Suspect, regardless of what time period you or the suspect currently occupy. A player is not required to interrogate before they make an accusation.
The round in TIME mode ends when all players who have chosen to interrogate have announced their interrogations to be done, at which point all public observations must cease for the round. Play then proceeds to the next round in Transit mode.
Transit Mode
In Transit mode, you and the other players do the following actions:
First, each player, in numerical order, announces which time period they will be moving to for the next round. Each player must move and cannot remain in their current time period.
After each player has announced their destination, everyone enters their Schrödinger Space-Time Box, after which the murderer, in secret, tells the moderator which one test subject they wish to kill that round. The muderer must act as if all players are occupying the time period they are arriving into the next round. The murderer is also only allowed to kill someone in a time period that the murderer will NOT be arriving into the next round. For instance, if the murderer is travelling into the past, they may only kill another player who is traveling into the present or future. The murderer may, when allowed by the rules, murder a future version of themselves. For example, if the murderer is in the present and aims to travel in the future, they may kill themselves in the future. The murderer may opt not to kill anyone that round.
Once the secret conversation between the murderer and moderator has taken place, the moderator then announces where each player now occupies and who, if anyone, has been murdered in which time period. The murdered player is then not allowed to play in the time period they were murdered in and any period further along in the timeline, if any. For example, if the player targeted is murdered in the present time period while traveling from the future time period, they can no longer play in the present and future time periods but may continue playing in the past. A murdered player will automatically be taken back to the closest time period opposite of normal time flow, so in the previous example, the player would appear in the past time period. A player killed in the past is dead in all three time periods and can no longer play the game, their interrogation clues never revealed publically.
SPECIAL NOTE: If a player is forcablly returned to the time period they last occupied, they are allowed to make a new INTERROGATION. If a player is stuck only able to play in the Past time period, they are not required to try and move as it would be a moot action.
The next round then starts with the players exiting their Schrödinger Space-Time Box in Time Mode once anew.
The game flips between Time and Transit rounds, only ending when either one of the innocent test subjects makes a correct ACCUSATION or the murderer has killed all but one remaining innocent test subject.
So I'm hoping to interest 6 players for a new game I'd like to start this Monday. Please use this thread to post if you'd like to play (I will be including "backup" players should a main player stop playing) and any questions you may have. Below are the rules, which while by far are the longest I've made for a forum game, should be pretty similar to a combination of two games everyone should be familiar with, as can be seen in this tagline:
Time to Kill - it's Clue meets Werewolf... with time travel!
Out potential players so far:
Outlaw Torn
Liberius Vir
Anyway, here's everything I got for this game:
You have been selected to participate in a 50-year scientific experiment to test the observation factor applied to space-time dimensional travel via a new invention, the Schrödinger Space-Time Boxes. You and those in your test group have successfully completed the first time transit -- all except for one, Test Subject #0, who has been determined as murdered. Your chamber has been quarantined until the murderer can be verified by one of the test subjects. One could say, if nothing else, there's time to kill...
For most players, the objective is to investigate via observations and interrogations in hopes of correctly accusing the murderer of the original victim (Test Subject #0) before becoming the murderer's next victim. The player who makes the correct accusation wins the game.
For the murderer, their objective is to kill the remaining test subjects while keeping them off your trail. The murderer wins if they and one other test subject remains alive.
To start, seven people are required for play: one moderator, one murderer (the guilty test subject), and five innocent test subjects. The roles can either be determined randomly in secret via shuffled test subject clues (with the moderator revealing their role immediately) or by a selected moderator at their discresion in secret.
The moderator assigns the test subjects numbers 1 through 6 and places them evenly across the three time periods: past, present, and future. The moderator will then take note of the following interrogation clues to the original murder:
Test Subject #0 (this only applies if the clues are used to randomly determine roles for all players and is removed from further gameplay)
Test Subject #1
Test Subject #2
Test Subject #3
Test Subject #4
Test Subject #5
Test Subject #6
Time - Past
Time - Present
Time - Future
Weapon - Wrench
Weapon - Poison
Weapon - Timed Explosive
Weapon - Hacked Program
Weapon - Esrever grenade
Weapon - Esrever rifle
In secret, the moderator should confer with the murderer to select what time period Test Subject #0 was murdered and which weapon they used. The moderator then sets those clues aside as in possession of the moderator, then shuffles the remaining interrogation clues and distributes them evenly among the six test subjects. The subjects are not to reveal their clues to anybody until directed.
A player can openly occupy one of three time periods: past, present or future. In the past, the poison and the timed explosive are available to the killer. In the present, hacked programs are available to the killer. In the future, the Esrever rifle and Esrever grenade are available to the killer. These weapons cannot be transported to other time periods. Any other time, they are considered to be inside their Schrödinger Space-Time Boxes.
There are six possible weapons the murderer has at their disposal: wrench, poison, hacked program, timed explosive, Esrever grenade and Esrever rifle. The wrench, which is used in the past to loosen machinery in the Space-Time Box, can kill someone in the present. The poison, also used in the past in a Space-Time Box's life support, can kill someone in the future. The hacked program, set in the present, can kill someone in the past. The timed explosive, also set in the present, can kill someone in the future. The Esrever grenade, with its pin pulled in the future, counts backwards in times and kills someone in the present. The Esrever rifle, with its trigger pulled in the future, travels backwards in time to kill someone in the past. All these weapons are designed for their effects on their victim to be indistinguishable from each other.
There are two modes of play which alternate in rounds: Time mode and Transit mode. The moderator begins the game in Time mode.
Time ModeIn Time mode, you and any other player may, whenever desired, openly speak any amount of OBSERVATION publically. Observation may include truthful or falsified information gathered from noticed behaviors and events, speculation, gut instincts -- any information which is not about an interrogation clue to the original murder you possess or acquire through INTERROGATION. INTERROGATION is the only method to find out the clues other players possess.
Once per round in Time mode, starting with Test Subject #1, a player may choose to interrogate another player to determine their guilt in the original murder. If the player does not wish to interrogate, they announce that they will be observing only. If they choose to interrogate, the player they interrogate must currently be in the same time period as themselves and must form their interrogation question as such:
"I suggest that the original murder was committed with Test Subject #0 in the [time period], by [test subject suspect] with the [weapon]."
The player interrogated must then try and prove it false. This player looks at their clues to see if the time period, test subject or weapon suggested is in their possession. If the player has one or more of these clues, they must show it to the interrogator and no one else. If the player has more than one of the clues named, they select just one to reveal to the interrogator. If they are unable to prove the interrogator's suggestion false, the interrogator may choose to follow with an Accusation.
SPECIAL NOTE: You may make only one Interrogation after entering a particular Time Period. To make your next Interrogation, you must move to another Time Period first while in Transit mode.
When you think you've figured out which three clues prove the guilty test subject as the murderer, you may, while in Time mode, make an Accusation. First say "I accuse [Test Subject Suspect] of committing the original murder with Test Subject #0 in the [Time Period] with the [Weapon]" Then, so that the other players do not see, consult the moderator. If you have guessed correctly, the results are publically announced by the moderator and you are determined the winner. If you guessed incorrectly, you die in all time periods and may not play any further in the game.
SPECIAL NOTE: In an Interrogation, the Time Period and Test Subject Suspect you name must be the Time Period where you and the Test Subject Suspect are currently occupying. But in an Accusation, you may name any Time Period or Test Subject Suspect, regardless of what time period you or the suspect currently occupy. A player is not required to interrogate before they make an accusation.
The round in TIME mode ends when all players who have chosen to interrogate have announced their interrogations to be done, at which point all public observations must cease for the round. Play then proceeds to the next round in Transit mode.
Transit Mode
In Transit mode, you and the other players do the following actions:
First, each player, in numerical order, announces which time period they will be moving to for the next round. Each player must move and cannot remain in their current time period.
After each player has announced their destination, everyone enters their Schrödinger Space-Time Box, after which the murderer, in secret, tells the moderator which one test subject they wish to kill that round. The muderer must act as if all players are occupying the time period they are arriving into the next round. The murderer is also only allowed to kill someone in a time period that the murderer will NOT be arriving into the next round. For instance, if the murderer is travelling into the past, they may only kill another player who is traveling into the present or future. The murderer may, when allowed by the rules, murder a future version of themselves. For example, if the murderer is in the present and aims to travel in the future, they may kill themselves in the future. The murderer may opt not to kill anyone that round.
Once the secret conversation between the murderer and moderator has taken place, the moderator then announces where each player now occupies and who, if anyone, has been murdered in which time period. The murdered player is then not allowed to play in the time period they were murdered in and any period further along in the timeline, if any. For example, if the player targeted is murdered in the present time period while traveling from the future time period, they can no longer play in the present and future time periods but may continue playing in the past. A murdered player will automatically be taken back to the closest time period opposite of normal time flow, so in the previous example, the player would appear in the past time period. A player killed in the past is dead in all three time periods and can no longer play the game, their interrogation clues never revealed publically.
SPECIAL NOTE: If a player is forcablly returned to the time period they last occupied, they are allowed to make a new INTERROGATION. If a player is stuck only able to play in the Past time period, they are not required to try and move as it would be a moot action.
The next round then starts with the players exiting their Schrödinger Space-Time Box in Time Mode once anew.
The game flips between Time and Transit rounds, only ending when either one of the innocent test subjects makes a correct ACCUSATION or the murderer has killed all but one remaining innocent test subject.
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