Post things that people on the interwebs seem to love that you think are merely ok, bad or downright awful!
1. Iron Man
I don't understand why everyone thought that this film was great when it came out. I saw it in the cinema and a few times on dvd and whatnot since then and I've never really gotten why it'd be anything better than ok. There wasn't a huge amount of character development, the pacing was a bit slow and the action scenes weren't all that spectacular either - it was sort of like 90 minutes of not much and then a fight with Jeff Bridges.
Also the second one was utter pish.
1. Iron Man
I don't understand why everyone thought that this film was great when it came out. I saw it in the cinema and a few times on dvd and whatnot since then and I've never really gotten why it'd be anything better than ok. There wasn't a huge amount of character development, the pacing was a bit slow and the action scenes weren't all that spectacular either - it was sort of like 90 minutes of not much and then a fight with Jeff Bridges.
Also the second one was utter pish.
