So in the near future I'll have a husband and two kids and have to check my twitter and facebook in the mirror while I brush my teeth? Paaaaass.
But seriously some of the design ideas are pretty cool. I dooo like the range they had, cleaning the knobs and dials and burners and stuff is lame.
I actually already know a guy who is really into custom-building the sorts of displays that car has, though they're mostly still like calculator-style LCD or 8-bit LED. I'm not convinced that we need to put /more/ glass inside a car though.
The contact docking idea is pretty sweet though, I have to admit. There already are chargers that don't need to plug in, so I imagine that actual I/O wouldn't be an impossible leap from there. Though it's a good way to humiliate yourself publicly if you're sexting and accidentally set your phone down on a projector table.
Also they went with the cardinal sin of futuristic displays. Nobody frigging wants to stand and have to hold their arms up and wave their hands around for extended periods of time to operate a vertical interface. Talk to any puppeteer; that is a lot more difficult than it looks.
So in short, some pretty nifty ideas but I question the execution.
I'm with Flirb though. This is cool, but where my flying cars at?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.