I'll go a step further and say the game as a whole was pretty much BROKEN.
The SP is a mess. It was like if Ravensoft had a cool idea in their heads, went halfway and then called it quits. So many things just flat-out don't work, the AI is atrocious and the scripting they used is prone to bizzare glitches, some game-breaking. If you take the time to look closer, there just isn't a good level of polish to be found. It's like they didn't care. Maybe LucasArt rushed them, or Raven wanted to move on to make Quake IV badly.
Example: The only AI NPCs in SP that can switch targets are the ones with lightsabers. In the missions where you have Kyle by your side, the stormtroopers and imperials, once they "see" you, will ignore Kyle COMPLETELY, even if he's busing cutting them up one by one. It's utterly bizzare.
Pretty much all the MP additions were broken too. The vehicles can be glitched and sometimes crash the game (not to mention they can lag the server). The siege mode is too exploitable, prone to scripting problems too. So forth.