I attend SIUC, which anybody is free to google; I major in architecture, which results in a considerable amount of cash just for supplies, printing, and laser cutting for models.
I received
-one need-based grant (varies, MAP Grant, tends to disappear occasionally when the Illinois govt. goes stupid as it so frequently does),
-one need-based scholarship($1k / year, 2 years),
-one merit ($500 / semester, 4 years),
-and one scholarship that was for merit but required severe need (covers room and board for 2 years). These completely covered my costs for the first two years... but the need-and-merit 'ship (the highest value) expires end of this semester, so I get to make different living accommodations.
In addition to all this, I have a frakkin' massive set of loans (sub & unsub both) and a pretty good federal work study, which I gain by teaching piano on campus ($30/hour, about 3 1/2 hours per week).
I'm female, white, have one disabled parent, the other single and earning approximately minimum wage. Zero expected family contributions. :-/
Ain't life grand?