Just to clarify for everyone, I was NOT just dismissing his depression. If a friend comes to me about something, and tells me something, I believe them. If one of my friends tries to be serious with me I listen. This has actually caused me to be the butt of a great many jokes, but hey... in the end, the boy who cried wolf finally did see one and someone did come, even after all the 'jokes'. I'm that guy.
Now, about this specific friend... This incident was a couple years back (like two or three). Also, I'm kind of his best friend. One reason why he came to me about this before anyone, I know him better than most anyone.
Before the rough patch, the man was great. By that I mean he was not depressed. Honestly. When he ran into trouble I was there for him. In many cases still am. I was even the one that suggested if he was still having problems to find someone to talk about it with. Proffesionally. The reason why I told him that is I do have other friends who suffer from other mental disorders. Bi-polar, depression, and yes, I do have a friend who has been clinically diagnosed and suffers from schizophrenia. You want to talk about the shame and stigma attached to a mental disorder? You have no idea what he has to go through. He's a great guy and shouldn't have to deal with a lot of the crap he does. Just make sure he stays on his meds otherwise it can get pretty bad (he'll be the first to tell you that by the way).
Anyways, I know devastating it can be and I wanted him to find help if he could. It's not a joking matter. He took my advice. After he got his diagnosis, he let himself get worse. Yes, I said let. Why? Because suddenly he was using that as an excuse for a lot of things. Like I said, I deal with people who suffer from it. Who take medication for it. He, however, wasn't on any. Not that he wasn't taking anything, he literally didn't have any prescription. It wasn't neccisary in his case aparently. He never whined about needing it, he never said, "this is bad, I need help". He had no anxiety or trouble sleeping. No physical pains, nothing.
He was the same as he had always been except now he would bring up the depression if things did not work out his way. I was still sympathetic towards him though... until he actually played the 'I'm depressed' card to a friend of mine to have her pay for his lunch tab one day. He has a good job. He gets paid more than her or I (and I believe the two of us together). He actually likes his job. He had the money to pay but did not want to. As much as that irked me, I let it go.
When he started using his diagnosis as a sympathy play in order to pick up ladies, I came to the conclusion that I stated earlier in this thread. Depression, or any mental disorder, is not something to take lightly or joke around about. I have friends who have it bad. If he does have it, it's not nearly as severe as he's putting out there. He still comes to me when he does get down, but it's about the same things that he did before his rough patch. It's never as bad as that one period of time. I've suggested that if he is still feeling depressed, maybe he should follow through with a professional.
Long story short, as I said, it's not something to be taken lightly. I've seen bad. I've seen real bad. I'm still there for him regardless. No matter what, if he comes to me I'll be there. Even if I'm not convinced he has it. Also that I didn't just jump to that conclusion. It took a long time for me to come to that.
"Hello one day ban." ~ Baconfish
>Liberius when he's not on Massassi<