So the other day my car was broken into, and my backpack was stolen. It had my laptop in it (including charger and wireless mouse) as well as my wife's cellphone, and her wallet. 
Out of that sadness is a bit of good, in that I kinda wanted a new laptop anyway and now I have an excuse to get it. I've already ordered the one I want (toshiba quosimo), but I'm having a hell of a time trying to replace the mouse that was stolen. It's very important that it be:
a) fairly small
b) wireless
c) have at least one thumb button, and one button on the opposite side to be hit with the ring finger or pinky.
d) has a mousewheel that "clicks" ie, not a smooth scroll, but has.. feedback, I guess.
e) cost not more than $40ish.
So far all the mice I've found have one or two thumb buttons, but no button on the opposite side. I know they exist, because the mouse I had before had the button configuration I'm after.. But I can't remember what brand it was (I think either Logitech or Microsoft).
If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any mice that might fit my requirements, please help me out by linking.
Also, post your favorite mouse (or the one you use now) regardless. and/or post things that have been stolen from you.

Out of that sadness is a bit of good, in that I kinda wanted a new laptop anyway and now I have an excuse to get it. I've already ordered the one I want (toshiba quosimo), but I'm having a hell of a time trying to replace the mouse that was stolen. It's very important that it be:
a) fairly small
b) wireless
c) have at least one thumb button, and one button on the opposite side to be hit with the ring finger or pinky.
d) has a mousewheel that "clicks" ie, not a smooth scroll, but has.. feedback, I guess.
e) cost not more than $40ish.
So far all the mice I've found have one or two thumb buttons, but no button on the opposite side. I know they exist, because the mouse I had before had the button configuration I'm after.. But I can't remember what brand it was (I think either Logitech or Microsoft).
If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any mice that might fit my requirements, please help me out by linking.
Also, post your favorite mouse (or the one you use now) regardless. and/or post things that have been stolen from you.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.