(Still) On 13 week vacation

Posts: 10,289
Fiber is a pain in the ass. You'll get into it when you get to advanced classes. Some people say it looks better, but I like the darker blacks you get with RC. It's a personal preference of mine, but you may differ.
Warning, this **** gets addictive. Just wait until you're in the darkroom burning and dodging for about 3 hours on one print. Get some photoreactive transparent paper to make that **** easier. You can overlay it on the paper you're printing on to make burning and dodging easier. There are so many ways to make awesome looking prints. Spend the money on filters and such. It's really worth it. And get good film. I was always pleased with Fuji 400.
And for christ's sake get a good lens. You need something that is 1.2f or lower. Only use prime lenses. I'd suggest getting about a 55mm 1.2. It's gonna cost you, but it's worth it. I'm a big Cannon fanboy, but the other brands are really equally as good. Light and lens is everything, man. I can't preach that enough. If the light is not there, do not take the photo.
And if you're not on a tripod, never shoot anything at less than 120. It's gonna be blurry. But I suggest getting a tripod, because the longer you expose film at a tighter aperture the more detail you're going to get. I cannot emphasize enough that this **** is addictive.
Digital will kill your love of photography, though. Don't ever get into it.
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