
Wanted the controller SO BAD
Posts: 1,674
Hittin' up an Ep2 revision. I'm going to be cocking up a lot of EU stuff but look at how many ****s I give. I added a proper ending to my Ep1 revision, too.
Episode 2:
Six or seven years have passed since the civil war of the outer-rim. Futher disputes had ignited among systems in the outer-rim as war, terrorism and anti-Federation idealogy spread among the outer-rim and into the mid-rim. Anakin is now in his mid 20s and, quite remarkably, is being considered for Knighthood in the Jedi order. Our movie opens with a star ship, a delegates transport from Alderaan, entering the atmosphere of Coruscant. A hijack attempt is made on the transport by a group of unknown mercenaries. Their goal is to assassinate the Senate Representative and Queen to Alderaan, Breha Organa. The royal guard succeeds in defeating the attacking mercenaries and protecting Queen Organa. Some of the attackers escape, most are killed, and clues are left behind...
Queen Organa is travelling to Coruscant to take part in talks discussing the outer-rim occupation. This action is spear-headed by a newly appointed man-of-action Chancellor known to be in support of greater Federation control and suspected by the Jedi to have been involved with the New Federation conspiracy serveral years earlier. The position of Alderaan is against occupation. The Chancellor is assumed by our Jedi to support the occupation. The Jedi council, suffering declining trust of the people, is in a tense position of attempting to maintain democracy among the Senate while not opposing the newly elected, publicly loved Chancellor.
After his dismissal from Senate duties, Qui-Gon was secretly assigned the task of investigating the identity of the supposed Sith Lord encountered on Dantooine (Yeah, I've decided on that planet for our civil war setting in Episode 1. It resonates well with the OT and has a nice little history of conflict. Lets just ignore the other EU **** and pretend the planet has some large metropolitan areas.) He has spent the years since then carefully tracing the path of this unknown enemy around the outer-rim. Obi-Wan has assumed a role as Senate liason for the Jedi order to continue investigations of the apparent conspiracy uncovered several years earlier. However all trails have long since gone cold.
After the assassination attempt, Senate discussions are briefly postponed to assess security in and around the capitol. Obi-Wan is placed in charge of the security operation while Anakin, by direction of the Chancellor himself, is assigned to investiage the assassination. It is not long before Anakin uncovers a clue linking a Senate member and a remote outer-rim planet called Tatooine.
Anakin departs for Tatooine while Obi-Wan investiages the Senate link, under the guise of security assessment. On Tatooine, Anakin meets a local junker by the name of Owen Lars, and his sister, Padme. Anakin feels an immediate kinship for Owen and attraction to Padme, and is greatly moved by the dire conditions of life on this remote planet. Owen, even as a mere junker, provides a wealth of information about the local crime syndicates. After all, in a world where the criminals rule beyond the reach of the Federation, who would they have to hide from?
Qui-Gon follows a new trail into the mid-rim uncovered by the apparent Senate involvement in the attempted assassination, beliving a link to the mysterious Sith Lord. Anakin finds clues pointing toward involvement of the local crime lords, although he realises he is drifting further from supposed involvement by the rebel coalition. Padme, passionately opposed to the tyranny of the crime lords in the outer-rim, persuades Anakin to allow her to help him on his journey.
On Coruscant, as the Senate draws nearer to resume session, a large transport ship is intentionally flown into one of Coruscant's immense sky-scrapers, inexplicably avoiding defensive systems expected to prevent such attacks and killing hundereds of thousands in the process. The rebellion is immediately blamed and the people of Coruscant demand action against the attackers.
Anakin, reaching the end of his trail on Tatooine, uncovers clues directly linking the hired mercenaries to the Hutt crime lords, who have further connections with the crime syndicates ruling the outer-rim. Seeing the blind-eye of the Federation, Anakin begins to sway towards sympathy for New Federation idealogy. Qui-Gon, through his investigation, uncovers clues linking the Senator to the crime syndicates and a new insurgency preparing action against the Federation. (What I'm trying to establish here is that the rebels of our first movie were a mostly human group of radicals initially formed to assume independant control of the outer-rim, with this group establishing the foundation for what would transform into the Rebel Alliance united against the Empire. This new insurgent army being uncovered in this movie would be formed by the mostly non-human planets of the outer-rim, especially those planets controlled by crime syndicates like the Hutts, who are more interested in spreading their criminal empires than fighting for any political idealogy against the Federation. But who is bringing them together?...) By the time our Jedi have connected the dots, it is too late.
Where Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon recognise the Senate is being manipulated into action, Anakin is so greatly moved by the trials of the common outer-rim people he belives a greater Federation influence, and ultimately a New Federation government, is for the greater good. Padme, naive to the complexities of the situation and unknowning of proper Federation presence agrees with Anakin's viewpoint. Anakin leaves Tatooine to return to Coruscant, brining Padme with him, to deliver his findings to the Chancellor.
Qui-Gon, following the Senator's trail to the crime syndicates, arrives on a supposedly uninhabited outer-rim planet. What he uncovers is a vast cloning facility being used to grow the new insurgent army. However, they were waiting for him. A new Sith Lord appears from the shadows, more powerful than the last. Qui-Gon, now a tired old Jedi, is no match for the Sith's brutality.
The Chancellor calls an immediate gathering of the Senate to address the threat of the newly discovered rebel army. Obi-Wan desperately argues for reason in the Senate but fear and anger dominate. The Senate agrees by majority vote to enact greater powers of military action and conscription of Federation planets to boost the limited Federation army. The Chancellor announces Anakin as the hero, the lone Jedi who has delivered new hope to the Federation. The Jedi Council, with pressure from the public eye and the Chancellor himself, grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Knight. He is appointed chief of the Federation's counter-offensive against the insurgency. Obi-Wan, having lost contact with Qui-Gon, estranges himself from the council in search of his lost friend.
Queue dramatic end scene of huge Federation ships leaving Coruscant with massive conscripted forces marching across the airfield.