There isn't much of one, just in general this seems to be the trend, i see examples everyday,
today I call my future roommate 1 and roommate 2 picks up, apparently 1 is at work, so i say when are we going to sign the lease, "oh, he told me, i forgot, i dont know",
ok...not something you should forget, have him call me when he gets home
No call, no doubt 2 forgot that as well, text 1, no response, i will no doubt find out an hour before when we are going to sign the god damn lease
"yo, lets get coffee with (former high school physics teacher)
Ok, what time
I don't know, text so and so
I text, that person doesnt know, goes on facebook, chats him up and forgets a time
Once again, I will be texted "yo, we are leaving for coffee now"
I need a plan. I need one. Why can't people figure stuff out ahead of time, and then be on time. We have all this technology yet nobody can seem to transfer the right/useful information or get to where they need to be at a reasonable time.
Has it always been this awful?