I'm sure the brits here will have heard all about this and I'm slightly curious as to the extent it has spread internationally.
To cut a long story short, for about the last 10 years (no one knows for sure) the News of the World has been employing private investigators to hack into people's phone to listen to their voicemail, read texts and basically get whatever info they can get off the phone.
Originally this was thought to be just politicians and other "news-worthy" people but it has since come to light that over 4000 people had their phones hacked into, ranging from survivors of the July 7/7 bombings in London, to widows of soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan, this coming from a paper who “champions” our soldiers no less...
What makes this even a bigger deal is that there was an investigation setup a few years back (after a few politicians found out) where the News of the World management said on record that the current cases of phone hacking were isolated and that there weren't any more. One of these said managers went on to be the "media relations" person for our current PM during the election campaign and the other became chief executive of News International.
Now with News Corp. closing the paper (which was one of the oldest and most read in the country, not by me I should add, it’s tabloid bull****) and being in the midst of trying to buy a controlling stake in BSkyB (which they were forced to sell a few years back because of competition interests), the question is being raised as to whether News Corp. are a fit and proper company to run ~60% of the news broadcasting in Britain, in my mind they aren't.
I'm curious what other people think of News Corp. and the way Rupert Murdoch and his son have had such a large voice in getting who they like at the time into political office.
I'm sure the brits here will have heard all about this and I'm slightly curious as to the extent it has spread internationally.
To cut a long story short, for about the last 10 years (no one knows for sure) the News of the World has been employing private investigators to hack into people's phone to listen to their voicemail, read texts and basically get whatever info they can get off the phone.
Originally this was thought to be just politicians and other "news-worthy" people but it has since come to light that over 4000 people had their phones hacked into, ranging from survivors of the July 7/7 bombings in London, to widows of soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan, this coming from a paper who “champions” our soldiers no less...
What makes this even a bigger deal is that there was an investigation setup a few years back (after a few politicians found out) where the News of the World management said on record that the current cases of phone hacking were isolated and that there weren't any more. One of these said managers went on to be the "media relations" person for our current PM during the election campaign and the other became chief executive of News International.
Now with News Corp. closing the paper (which was one of the oldest and most read in the country, not by me I should add, it’s tabloid bull****) and being in the midst of trying to buy a controlling stake in BSkyB (which they were forced to sell a few years back because of competition interests), the question is being raised as to whether News Corp. are a fit and proper company to run ~60% of the news broadcasting in Britain, in my mind they aren't.
I'm curious what other people think of News Corp. and the way Rupert Murdoch and his son have had such a large voice in getting who they like at the time into political office.