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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Job Advice
Job Advice
2011-07-12, 1:49 PM #1
Alright, so I'm about to finish up my classes for my BSET in a couple weeks, and I've begun searching for jobs. A friend of mine just got a job at an armored truck company as an armed guard down in Tulsa, and suggested that I apply. I did, and so far so good as far as the hiring process goes. I'm almost positive I'll be offered the job within the next couple weeks.

However, I'm also applying for more career-style jobs at major area companies. My first choice (longshot) has yet to call me back after 2 weeks but that isn't a huge delay, I figure it's still a possibility. Another job just popped up that I am almost perfect for down in Tulsa, and I am going to apply there once I adjust my resume tonight. This one is a little more likely than the other one.

Okay, so the question is: should I accept a job from the armored truck company if/when they offer it and just do that while still looking for the perfect career position, and if I find that perfect career position within the year just kind of say "thanks, seeya, thanks for all the money you dumped into my training" to the armored truck company? Or should I sick it out living with my parents, having no job and no money, and hope it doesn't take too long to find a career position?

My degree is pretty specialized, there aren't very many people running around with it, and there seem to be new positions opening up every week. Most of them "require" a couple years of experience but it seems like they have a tough time finding those experienced people.

Also, as you advise me, also post if you're looking for a new job!
2011-07-12, 2:13 PM #2
should I accept a job from the armored truck company if/when they offer it and just do that while still looking for the perfect career position, and if I find that perfect career position within the year just kind of say "thanks, seeya, thanks for all the money you dumped into my training" to the armored truck company?

Yes absolutely
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2011-07-12, 2:13 PM #3
Provided the Tusla Armoured Car job isnt hugely inconvient, I would take the first job offered to you while continuing to purse other opportunities.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2011-07-12, 3:40 PM #4
This armored car position, would you be the ones to take money in and out of the truck?

What is your degree? I thought it was mechanical engineering?
2011-07-12, 3:46 PM #5
The armored truck position would be starting as a driver for a few weeks, then they send you to get state-certified as an armed guard, then you start being the guy who takes money in and out of the truck.

My degree is Fire Protection and Safety Technology, and most of the positions I'm looking at are in occupational safety.
2011-07-12, 4:05 PM #6
Interesting. So I assume like OSHA-related? Also like building inspectors and such?

If you were a safety inspector in NYC, you could make good "money".
2011-07-12, 7:07 PM #7
Chinese jade
2011-07-12, 9:42 PM #8
Yep, a large part of our curriculum is centered on OSHA, but also just general safety and health stuff like ergonomics, hazmat, and fire protection systems.
2011-07-12, 10:17 PM #9
With the job market the way it is, take any job that is offered and continue looking for that job you really want.
Pissed Off?
2011-07-12, 11:01 PM #10
Agree with Zanardi. Stall them for a week or two to see if anything else comes in, then accept it. Then when you get a better, more long term offer - jet. It won't be the end of the world and you really don't owe them much. Give them appropriate notice and it'll be fine.
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2011-07-13, 6:24 AM #11
"Or should I sick it out living with my parents, having no job and no money, and hope it doesn't take too long to find a career position?"

"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2011-07-13, 6:41 AM #12
Any job you get is going to add something to your skill set and experience, and therefore add something to your resume. It's also easier to explain away an unrelated or short term job to a potential employer than a big gap in your employment record while you looked for something perfect. Take the job, but keep your eyes open for the one you really want.

Also, I feel it is important to note, while posting from my work computer that I am in no way looking for another job. Really.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2011-07-13, 11:56 AM #13
Go with the armored car job for now. And like was mentioned, just try and give appropriate notice when something better come along.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2011-07-13, 1:25 PM #14
Seems pretty unanimous! I guess I'll take the job if it's offered and just hope one of these other jobs comes through. I have to admit, when they had me drive one of the trucks the other day (to make sure I could handle it) it was pretty neat.

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