Grandmaster games rarely end in checkmate - they usually end, like this one, in one side acknowledging the other guy has a dominant position, continuation or material situation.
ie: Black is lost here.
If king goes to e8: queen takes g8 (check) - black king to row 7 - white rook takes black rook on f7 (check) - black king has to move to row 8 or 6 - white takes second black rook - etc... etc... this is lost for black, he should spare himself the pwnage and resign (which he did)
If king goes to e7: same situation, figure it out in your head a little, this is black's worst nightmare.
Said otherwise: this end position could be won by you our me against a chess master.
He said to them: "You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment." - Gospel of Thomas