So I just published my first ever interview with someone who has even a tiny bit of fame. It was actually very easy to do. I sent her an email on her website introducing myself and asking her if she wouldn't mind answering a few questions for my website. Within fifteen minutes she had responded letting me know she would be happy to.
She was such a sweet lady, if you guys have any interest in thrillers or medical dramas, I suggest you check out her books on the Kindle store. Her newest one is actually on sale for $.99.
You can read the interview at [url][/url].
Do any of you have any neat experiences like this to share?
She was such a sweet lady, if you guys have any interest in thrillers or medical dramas, I suggest you check out her books on the Kindle store. Her newest one is actually on sale for $.99.
You can read the interview at [url][/url].
Do any of you have any neat experiences like this to share?
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