Hey yall,
So, I had this freelance job to write something cool that a blogger (video games blog) can offer for free as an incentive for people to sign up to her vg blog. I decided to go with an interactive story (a choose-your-own-adventure .pdf sort of thing).
I think it turned out pretty sweet.
You'd have to sign up for the girl's mailing list to get the .pdf, so hope you don't mind -- I mean, as I got paid to create exclusive content, I don't think it'd be right for me to just post it here...
Free DL is available here (right side of the page, where it saysGET YOUR FREE EXCLUSIVE DL
Receive an
Exclusive Story
written for Gamers!
You can easily unsubscribe from the DL using the link in the confirmation mail, btw, and the blog's owner seems like a decent enough person, so highly doubt that she'll sell your e-mail addresses to Nigerian scammers or anything like that.
Check it out if you feel like, and if you do, tell me what you think, and how many VG references you can find!
So, I had this freelance job to write something cool that a blogger (video games blog) can offer for free as an incentive for people to sign up to her vg blog. I decided to go with an interactive story (a choose-your-own-adventure .pdf sort of thing).
I think it turned out pretty sweet.
You'd have to sign up for the girl's mailing list to get the .pdf, so hope you don't mind -- I mean, as I got paid to create exclusive content, I don't think it'd be right for me to just post it here...
Free DL is available here (right side of the page, where it says
You can easily unsubscribe from the DL using the link in the confirmation mail, btw, and the blog's owner seems like a decent enough person, so highly doubt that she'll sell your e-mail addresses to Nigerian scammers or anything like that.
Check it out if you feel like, and if you do, tell me what you think, and how many VG references you can find!