Ive been redownloading and playing almost EVERY level recently. It is awesome to know that its 2011 (im 21) and i started playing them when I was 8 or 9.
ALSO: I play the Search For Leia regularly.
Cool Matty is a good guy (i think), he just needs to be wary of other people on his site. If he were to just let this go it would be the end, the end of massassi as a whole. Buildings would fall, Bombs willl fall, and so massassi. He loves massassi as a child and dosnt need his kid hangin out with the retarded kid down the street. Running massassi is like runing a country ( i imagine ). Once you let one dick in, all his dick friends will follow and suddenly you have dicks in your hair, mouth, butt, coffee, threads, car, even your desktop. IN other words, If he lets one banned ****** in hes gotta let all the ******s in, and we dont want that do we? CM cannot cave, then hell loose control and have nothing to keep people in check with.
If you dont wanna be banned, the task becomes simple: kiss his ass
Or at the very last dont piss him off, i don not believe CM is vindictive. No, he is just aware. He wants a site to run like it should. We cant have cogs in the machine can we?
Look, if you wanna just fit in here is what you do:
1. make a Dr. Who thread (which all suck)
2. make fun of Alan
3. call Alan ugly
4. Agree with JM and Jlee or youll die and be wrong at the same time
5. poke baconfish in the belly till he makes the Pillsbury dough boy noise (be careful, he may give you a yeast infection)
6. Neglect your family and friends for the site
But the most important thing of all is number 7.
7. Make New Levels
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "