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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Calling all Beardssassians!
Calling all Beardssassians!
2011-09-29, 10:04 AM #41
I personally can't grow a full beard, so I just keep a goatee, sideburns and frame my jawline. Looks pretty sweet, especially since I keep the hair on my head shaved close too.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2011-09-29, 12:28 PM #42
There is a reason why God has a beard (this is also why women are worse than men).

-Tone, 28 from Essex (currently single)
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2011-09-29, 2:56 PM #43
I recommend buying this to inspire you.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2011-09-29, 3:15 PM #44
Originally posted by JM:
I will personally find you and transplant your brain from your skull to your ass.

What a creative procedure

Id like to see such a creative procedure acted out.... ON YOUR MOM

I kid, i kid, but seriously test it on her first, she doesn't mind stuff up her ass
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-29, 3:52 PM #45
a solid concession, DX
2011-09-29, 4:48 PM #46
Trimming a bear doesn't make it grow more.

That is a typo but I'm not changing it.
2011-09-30, 8:10 AM #47
Well im glad your such an obstinate guy.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 8:22 AM #48
[IMG][/IMG]I wanna get a good pic of my mario mustache.

" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 8:30 AM #49
I'm really really sorry about all the pic bull**** above, i only wanted these two pictures up and like a dumbass i do not know how to deleat the last post, I hope a higer being can take control of this sticky situation.... all for mario...

" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 8:46 AM #50
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop

stop post
2011-09-30, 8:46 AM #51
back that camera off a lil bit yo por favor
2011-09-30, 10:02 AM #52
Jesus... Xathsur, your face reminds me of Libya. And by that I mean it's revolting.
>>untie shoes
2011-09-30, 10:09 AM #53
will that work for thinning hair? My diet is pretty bad and been quite ill for a year now, and my hair falls out in droves. I ate an apple once but didnt notice any effect.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2011-09-30, 11:37 AM #54
Xasthur looks pretty much exactly how I imagined him.
2011-09-30, 12:09 PM #55
Originally posted by Antony:
Jesus... Xathsur, your face reminds me of Libya. And by that I mean it's revolting.


Would read again.
2011-09-30, 12:49 PM #56
I thought this was a work-safe board.
2011-09-30, 1:54 PM #57
Disregarding the personal slights against my visage (Who is Antony to talk, that bug eyed nubian father ****er) what do you think about the mario stash? I mean its totally mario right? I think im gunna be mario for holloween! Id be zombie mario, but fags took the fun outta zombies a long time ago, now its only cool to do zombie versions of dead celeb's. Who wants to be a zombie Patrick Swazy? I always tell the story of the time I was zombie John Lennon at a party. Good party i thought, until i found out (like a day or two later) that the reason there was so much traffic in and outta the bathroom was cuz half the people there were coked up! I mean, ill smoke weed yeah, but ill NEVER try that ****. I should have known something was wrong when a Funk band called Oh De Jo played dressed as different characters from wizard of oz, and then went and played that marching song from the movie only with the band name inserted in. "Oh de jo OhOh" What a night. Anyways, i digress. The point is that my stash curls up on its own, very mario-esk eh?
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 2:00 PM #58
you should try coke at least once it's pretty fun
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2011-09-30, 2:08 PM #59
2011-09-30, 2:23 PM #60
Thanks, but ill pass. Being in college, people always seem to be looking for new experiences and whatnot. That's cool and all, but i still don't wanna be that guy.

Additionally, Roger Spruce recommending it puts the nail in the coffin. Coke may be fine for you while you cruze around naked (dooing lines off lilbja's dick) in your 86 olds while looking for sweet 16 year olds to seduce, but is not my thing.

Ill stick to pot and red wine. :colbert:
(Yeah I hate beer and love wine, im a pussy, deal with it :colbert:)
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 2:25 PM #61
I'm still not sure when I ever peed in your cheerios.
2011-09-30, 2:39 PM #62
Originally posted by Antony:
Jesus... Xathsur, your face reminds me of Libya. And by that I mean it's revolting.

...ah. this ellicted a grudging smile. hahaha.
2011-09-30, 2:42 PM #63
The joke was better when it originally aired.
2011-09-30, 2:49 PM #64
I'm sure it's as good for everyone the first time they hear it, even if it's here.
2011-09-30, 2:52 PM #65
Originally posted by Roger Spruce:
I'm still not sure when I ever peed in your cheerios.

Ok lemme explain ME for you. Im like an 8 year old girl who has a crush on you. The only way i can show my caring for you is to attack you and be an ******* (see hay Arnold).

You usually say something pretty funny, and i identify with that so i remember you. In this way, when im trying to make fun of someone, the people i like are the ones that come to mind, so i say to myself, "**** it."

Really tho, Spruce is cool in my book. And i guess lilbja can be cool too since he did coke.
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 2:58 PM #66
Originally posted by saberopus:
...ah. this ellicted a grudging smile. hahaha.

Originally posted by saberopus:
I'm sure it's as good for everyone the first time they hear it, even if it's here.

Still don't be a ***** and encourage people making fun of my face.... :nonono:

You guys all know how sensitive i am about my looks and i will be sure to come and fist **** the next person who mentions it.

(disclaimer- anything that darthxasthur has said in this post is a lie)
" I am the Lizard King, I can do anyhthing... "
2011-09-30, 3:11 PM #67
hey man i don't typically wanna see ANYONE'S face that close by surprise :P
2011-09-30, 3:16 PM #68

Working on my own mustache.
2011-09-30, 3:28 PM #69
my massassi forums thread reading face -

"Honey, you got real ugly."
2011-09-30, 3:31 PM #70
hey llib did you lose some serious weight?? from like waaay back in the day I mean!
2011-09-30, 3:34 PM #71
Spruce just asked the same thing in chat! I have lost about 55 pounds (and counting!) over the last year and a half or so. Feeling pretty good!
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2011-09-30, 4:06 PM #72
Dang, nice work man!
2011-09-30, 5:03 PM #73
thats indeed impressive
2011-09-30, 9:16 PM #74
Originally posted by Darth_Xasthur:
Disregarding the personal slights against my visage (Who is Antony to talk, that bug eyed nubian father ****er)

>>untie shoes
2011-10-02, 6:19 PM #75
Originally posted by Savex:
just be yourself.

That's some profound ****.

But I disagree entirely. Please be someone who takes pictures more than 1.5' away from the camera.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-10-02, 6:59 PM #76
It's not really such a bad thing. Now there is a photo to go next to the word "mouthbreather" in the dictionary.
>>untie shoes
2011-10-02, 7:04 PM #77
lookin good, lilja

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