It really depends on the project I'm on and what the needs are. For instance, for a few months, I had been doing 4PM-midnight (noon-midnight for overtime) and I'd normally wake up at 2:45PM and be awake until 6AM on average. Now I'm on a noon-8PM schedule, so I'm getting up around 11AM (don't got to worry about traffic) and going to sleep closer to 2-4AM. Even when I was waking up for an 8AM shift, though, it was somewhat difficult to sleep for me before midnight, as I'm naturally a night-owl.
So to answer your question, it's a bit difficult, as I generally get up a couple or so hours later than I normally would for work, though on times when I worked hours like 4PM-midnight, I'd have to force myself up to sometimes wake up relatively early because most people hold 9-5 type jobs. Were I not to have any jobs or obligations, I'd possibly just operate on a +24 hour day, so my sleep schedule would likely just rotate. I don't really have feelings one way or another towards daylight being the only productive time (though it's annoying when businesses are closed that you need to use), and I prefer to feel like I don't /have/ to get up, which is generally almost always the case. I like being both awake for at least 16 hours and asleep for normally more than 8, so... yeah.
I'll vote for "dead" then.

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