I live in an apartment building where dogs are allowed, and a vast number of tenants own some small "variant" of the bulldog. I've seen all kinds. I have seen one bulldog that snorts like a pig just to breath. I've seen another that collapsed from exhaustion (hyperventilation?) just from taking a short walk to the front of the complex. Most of them have this waddle that causes their body mass to shift side-to-side so they go in sinusoidal-shaped walking paths.
My aunt has one where the eyes bulge toward opposite directions so its depth perception is significantly flawed; it slams into things with its face. The damn creature is named after her ex-husband, has bladder problems and I think its little brain is filled with retardation.
I propose to mutant the breed even further. I suggest a breeding path where the legs get smaller and smaller until the legs disappear. Then you get a worm creature. Bulldog worm. Gentlemen, can it be done?
My aunt has one where the eyes bulge toward opposite directions so its depth perception is significantly flawed; it slams into things with its face. The damn creature is named after her ex-husband, has bladder problems and I think its little brain is filled with retardation.
I propose to mutant the breed even further. I suggest a breeding path where the legs get smaller and smaller until the legs disappear. Then you get a worm creature. Bulldog worm. Gentlemen, can it be done?