So... Anyway, SW:TOR....
I actually enjoyed it, the stories were really fun, I played a consular to level 17, bounty hunter to about 5, Smuggler to 9 and a sith warrior to 13.
I didn't mind the cover mechanic, and I think it's a bit unreasonable to think that simply crouching down behind something is going to negate all damage to a smuggler, even behind cover. Did you read the tool-tip?
Roll into the selected cover point. If no cover point is available, you will crouch in place. Taking cover enables the use of cover-only abilities, and so long as you remain down behind a cover object, most ranged attackers strike your cover instead.
Most, not all ranged attackers will strike your cover, Bioware isn't going to give a class an over powered ability to camp somewhere and pick off enemies without taking any damage at all, it just will take a bit longer to kill a smuggler that's hiding, and AOE attacks will have almost no effect on cover.
The jedi consular was pretty fun IMO, combines the roles of caster DPS and healer, even specced into healing talents I could more then hold my own against enemies in PVP and questing.
The first flashpoint (dungeon) I did was pretty fun as well, first time I did I thought we finished, then the commander was all like, "Yeah, we got the ship back under control, but they have us in a tractor beam, go board their ship and disable it!" and then bam, three more bosses with a fun sith end boss that dropped a neat lightsaber for me.
I like how the weapons and chest armor has all the stats on mods, so if you find a new light saber or blaster that has awesome stats on it, but you like the look of your old gear, you can just rip the mods out of the new piece and install them in your old one and use the same item with the upgraded stats, you could pretty much use your level 2 green chest piece you looted from a cow in a raid, just by swapping out the stat mods. Of course I don't know what end game is like, armor sets might have bonus for complete sets, so ripping out the mods might not be a good idea.
Is it graphically the most awesome game ever? not really, it runs ok on most machines depending on how you tune your settings.
Is the combat pretty un-inspired and carbon copy of most mmo's out there (wow, I'm looking at you), Yeah.
does it have some bugs? yeah, every game is going to have some, a game is NEVER bug free, WoW has been fixing Vanish for 7 years now.
is it fun? To the casual gamer who wants a star wars MMO. Yes, yes it is. Every single class I played, I had fun playing, the story was fun enough that I wanted to ignore my other quests just to advance my story, I'm sure it'll get boring leveling the same class again if you re-roll on other servers to play with friends, but it's still fun to play though.
If you are expecting a lot of innovation, ground breaking, next generation, trend-setting, market dominating, WoW Killing best god damn game ever in the universe experiences, I'm sorry to tell you that you'll be disappointed. I realize that everyone will compare it to WoW, but truth be told, WoW was a one hit wonder and I doubt anything blizzard puts out in the future will ever be as successful as WoW and I think blizzard's Titan project won't even have nearly the same success. I'm sure it'll be successful, but it won't be their own WoW Kiler.
Nothing will be a WoW killer, and ToR uses a lot of WoW tropes, yeah. But why fix something that isn't broke, emulating WoW is a great way to give their game a shot in the arm at launch since people are familiar with the concepts, BioWare and EA have even come out and said this.. Yeah, they are looking to copy wow in some ways, anyone who ignores WoW is shooting themselves in the foot.
But ToR still stands on it's own as a fun game, that even though hard-core MMO players and Star Wars fanboys will say it sucks, there are going to be many others who'll LOVE this game.
If you loved KOTOR, you'll love this game, because the style and gameplay is very similar in feel to KOTOR, but with friends. I never got to play SWG, pre or post NGE, but the civil war era with jedi running over the place seems out of place, and you know everyone wants to play a Jedi. This game let me play a bad-ass sith warrior, and a benign jedi healer and not feel out of place in the star wars universe.
I for one, might cancel my WoW and switch to Tor, I had that much fun, even in the buggy beta weekends.